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Zendaya's p.o.v
I was about to shut the door, but his strong hand kept it open. I avoided looking into his blue eyes, because I knew I'd get lost in them.

"Babe, let me explain," he begged me, touching my arm gently, I pulled away quickly, still looking down.

"There's nothing to explain, you did what you did," I cried, wishing it wasn't true.

"No Z, I pushed her off me. I love you, not Vanessa!" he cried, tears falling down his cheeks. How I longed to believe him, to hug him, kiss him, but I couldn't.

"Zac, I wish I could believe you, but," I sighed, tears falling down my cheeks repeatedly. They fell down on to my trainers, making the light colour go darker.

"Zen, I could never do that to you," he said, pulling my chin up, so I'd look in his eyes. Inside I saw mixed emotions:
And more, he grabbed my cold hands as I tried to pull away, but his warm grip was so strong.

"I better not be making a mistake," I mumbled to myself, before leaning in pressing my lips onto his.

Once we pulled away, we were breathing heavily. Our fourheads were placed against each other's and we both smiled.

"Guess I'm not needed anymore," a disgusted Darnell said from beside my trailer.

We turned to look at him and rolled our eyes, as me and Zac smirked.

At this action both me and Darnell gasped shocked at a VERY confused Zac.

"What I do?" he asked us, as I giggled happily.

"I've got a brace boyfriend!" I exclaimed.

"No one apart from Daya dares smirk my smirk!" Darnell said, still shocked.

Me and Zac just chuckled at my assistant/best friend/brother. For the rest of the day the three of us laughed, chatted and just mucked around.

Honestly never had so much fun in my life. We all messed like we'd known each other longer than we actually have. We learnt so much about each other too. Like Zac, who would have thought Zac Efron, a man all girls swoon over is a secret nerd!

I love him! I just hope I didn't make a mistake for forgiving him.

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