Cast dinner pt.1

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Zendaya's p.o.v
I came back to mine and Darnell's apartment and sat down on the couch next to him.

He smiled at me then picked up his phone calling my family.

"Hi guys!" I said to my crazy fam, "Guess what!!"

To which all Austin replied, "Hi Z, what?"

"I got the part!" I squealed making Darnell wince at my loud high pitched voice.

"That's great, hun. Though we already knew you would get it, that song was incredible!" My Mum replied making everyone else nod happily.

"She also found herself a crush!" Darnell smirked making me blush knowing who he was talking about though I tried to hide it.

"What! No I didn't!" I lied making my sister, Annabella smirk too seeing right through me.

"Aww! She's blushing! Who?" She teased.

"A certain Mr Zac Efron, who likes her back!" He said making me blush even more. I saw my family's jaw drop and my brothers and dad have a look of protection in their eyes.

"Darnell! Anna!" I moaned feeling my cheeks burn.

"Zac Efron! You get to work with the one and only Zac Efron!" Katina (my sister) squealed, I nodded awkwardly making her squeal even more.

Knock knock.

I looked at Darnell questioningly wondering if he was expecting anyone, he just shook his head.

I stood up and opened the door to see Zac standing there nervously.

"Zac?" I asked.

"Oh, umm, hi Zendaya. Micheal wanted me to tell you that there is a cast dinner tonight. On the first floor," he answered stuttering slightly.

"Okay, though I'm not really dressed for a dinner. You go down while I get dressed," I said looking down at my now dirty clothes. He shook his head repeatedly.

"Absolutely not! That would be very rude of me, I'll wait out here, also I saw a group of drunk men on the way up here," he protested, building more confidence.

I giggled a bit before replying, "How gentlemen like! But no, wait in here if you won't go downstairs," I put my hand on my forehead dramatically at the dirt part.

He chuckled and stepped in my very messy apartment.
"Sorry about the mess," I said embarrassed as I showed him to the lounge, where Darnell was sitting.

He once again chuckled as I walked into my room to get changed. I wore a tight red dress that went just above my knees.

I put my hair into a messy, but elegant bun. All throughout getting ready, thinking of Zac and if he did indeed, like Darnell had teased, liked me back.

Soon enough that thought disappeared as I realised no... he's Zac Efron, Troy Bolton! Girls would literally kill to be just friends with him. I guess I'm lucky to be his friend... I just wish we could be more.

Zac's p.o.v
I sat down on the couch next to Darnell and watched Zendaya walk into her room, god is she pretty.

"Zac! Hello! You there?" Darnell shouted trying to get my attention.

"Oh umm sorry hi," I said still not completely focused.

"Guys here is Zac," Darnell told the people on the screen, which I guessed was Zendaya's family.

Why was, who I guessed was her dad giving me a death-glare? I shook it off and waved at them while smiling.

"Hi, I'm Claire, Zendaya's Mum. This is Kaz, her dad, these are her brothers, Austin and Julian. These are her sisters, Annabella, Katina and Kaylee."

They all smiled as their names were said by their Mum. Luckily after a couple of minutes of awkward silence Zendaya walked out stunning as ever.

Regular p.o.v
"Who you trying to impress?" Darnell said, smirking making Zendaya roll her eyes playfully.

"Girl, you looking on fire!" Annabella laughing at her brother's and dad's expressions.

"When am I not?" Zendaya did sarcastically as she sassily flipped her hair back.

Her attention then was drew to Zac who just sat there gawping.

"Z! Look what you've done to poor Zac!" Darnell chuckled waving a hand in front of Zac's frozen face.

"Oh.. umm," Zac stuttered realising he had been staring at Zendaya for a while now, "Come on, everyone will be waiting."

Zac tried to hide his blushing, but is pretty sure he failed. He gently took hold of Zendaya's arm and led her out the door, closing it behind them.

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