Old friend

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Darnell had went home a week before.

Zendaya's p.o.v
We would be having a break from work and me and Zac decided we'd hang out in our home town.

All our family would be there, so we could introduce each other. I haven't met Zac's family yet and he hasn't told them that we're together yet.

Me and Zac sat down on the plane and I took deep breaths. Zac could clearly tell I was nervous to meet his family, so he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Baby girl, they'll love you," he told me, kissing my cheek, "But not as much as I do."

I giggled and sighed.

"Okay, and I love you too," I laughed, my dad...

Oh no. Dad clearly didn't take the biggest liking to Zac. Hopefully 1 month is enough time for them to bond.

"I'm sure I'll find a way for your dad to like me," Zac winked, as the plane set off. He grabbed my hand and smirked at my red face.

"Sorry, I was talking out loud," I apologised, we both laughed happily. Then I saw someone sitting next to us on the opposite row.

"Ross?" I asked as the man turned and saw me his eyes grew wide realising it was me.

"Z?" He asked, smiling wide, I copied noticing it was actually him.

"This is Ross, my co-worker from KC Undercover, he played Brett," I told Zac, "Ross this is Zac, my Co-worker from the new film the Greatest Showman, who is also my boyfriend."

Zac and Ross went wide eyes at each other making me confused.

"Do you two know each other?" I asked them.

"He's an old childhood friend," Zac told me, smiling, before doing this weird hand shake thing.

"Bro, honestly never saw the day you'd be with a girl that pretty," Ross laughed, gesturing to me.

"Thanks, dude," Zac replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes as me and Ross laughed.

"Oh and who's Brett?" Zac asked making me turn to him shocked.

"From KC Undercover?" I told him, well kinda asked at the same time.

"I've actually never watched it," he said, nonchalantly, not realising mine and Ross' shocked faces.

"My boyfriend say what now?" I sassed and we all laughed together. We both got Ross' number and we all promised to call and text each other.

Best Plane Ride Ever.

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