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Zac's p.o.v
We pulled up at Zendaya's home around 9:00pm.

"Don't you dare touch that handle," I smiled, before getting out and opening her door, helping my beautiful girl out.

We walked up to the door, laughing together. Before we even reached the door Zendaya's mum opened it and nearly knocked me and Zendaya over with her hug.

Unlike Z's father, her mum really liked me and treated me like another son.

"Mum! Let them breath!" Shouted Austin (Zendaya's brother).

Claire let go of us and we walked inside. We all sat down on the couch in their large lounge room.

"Your parents will be here soon, Zac," Kaz told me, my name rolled of his tongue like poison.

I saw Zendaya give him a glare from next to me. She snuggled into me with a secret smirk.

I chuckled a bit and pulled her closer to me, holding her waist. After 10 minutes the doorbell rang and Justin (Another one of Z's brothers) opened the door to see my parents.

The said hello and gave me a hug, before sitting down. We all began to chat about life, Kaz asking me questions as if it was an interview.

"So, Zac," he spat, "What were your first impressions of Zendaya?"

"She is beautiful, her voice is music and her personality is one in a million!" I gushed, smiling happily. Next to me I saw Zendaya's cheeks glowing red - I and the room laughed, including Kaz. Maybe he was starting to take a liking to me?

Zendaya's p.o.v
After we all ate, Zac's parents went home. I asked if Zac could stay and it was agreed, but before we even touched the first stair, my dad told us, "Separate rooms!"

"Dad! I'm not a kid anymore!" I shouted, annoyed, holding hands with a slightly scared Zac.

"Ze..." Dad began, but was cut off by my irritated mum.

"Goodnight you two," she sweetly said, we said goodnight and went to bed. We lay down, my head rested on his chest.

He was shirtless, wearing only his shorts, showing off his abs. I didn't realise I was staring until he chuckled, "Like the view?"

My face grew bright red and we just laughed and cuddled happily. My eyes fluttered closed and I was enveloped into darkness.

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