Too cute

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Zac's p.o.v
Zendaya and Yaha had become the Wheeler siblings. They were the pranksters of the cast by far.

As usual they were in the air. Zendaya let go of her trapeze bar and I had a mini panic attack, before she grabbed the lower bar swinging.

Soon the trapeze artist dismounted, both laughing at all of our scared faces.

"Don't do that again!" I said panicked, hugging Zendaya, squeezing her tight.

She and Yaha just giggled cheekily, making me roll my eyes.

"You two are having a break from trapeze for the rest of the day," Micheal told them, they both begged and apologised, but he wouldn't budge.

They sat down on the bleachers and watched us, as me and Hugh tried to get the end dance right.

This girl started walking up to us, eyes staring me down.

"This is Isla, she'll be taking Z's place for today," Hugh introduced, when she came close; too close. I backed off a bit and looked over at Z, she tried to smile a 'good luck' smile, but I saw the anger in her eyes.

Isla kept coming closer to me and holding me, during the dance. I looked at Hugh, but, him being the person he was - seeing good in everyone, he was smiling happily.

"And now, kiss," he said, making me turn to him shocked. I turned to Zendaya again and she looked the exact same as me.

Isla leaned in, waiting for me to dip her.

"Hugh! Zendaya?" I near enough shouted, this girl was getting too close.

"Zendaya doesn't mind at all, do you?" he turned to Zendaya.

"Oh not at all," she answered sarcastically.

"See? Now kiss," he told me smiling. Isla was still holding me and trying to kiss me.

"If you weren't a girl, I'd be pushing you off me right now!" I shouted angrily trying to struggle out of her strong grip.

Zendaya's p.o.v
I saw Zac was uncomfortable, so I walked up to them, swaying my hips.

"Sorry he's taken," I said, pushing her off my boyfriend and holding his hand. She looked at me disgusted.

"What are you doing with that thing? I could offer you so much more," she flirted, Zac looked super angry at this.

"She is a girl! A beautiful girl and I love her!" he shouted, she looked at Zac and strutted out of set angrily, as security followed.

I turned to the angry Zac with tears in my eyes.

"Oh, baby girl, don't cry," he soothed, rubbing my arm.

After a while of tears and arm rubbing, I felt better.

"I love you too," I said, smiling happily at him, he returned the gesture, before kissing me.

"Too cute!!!!" Keala squealed, making us pull away and laugh at the woman, who had became like an aunt to me.

I'm gonna start doing short filler chapters for now. Sorry this took long, my uncle and cousin came home from Scotland, so I was hangin' with them. Anyway I'll be updating a bit more now with shorter chapters.

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