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Zac's p.o.v
When Micheal yelled cut I pulled myself out of the trance of awe I had been dragged into and turned around to head downstairs, but was stopped by Hugh.

"Both of you are like my children to me, don't hurt each other," Hugh stated knowingly, winking before running down the creaky stairs towards Micheal.

Confused to what Hugh had meant I ran after him to watch the take. I stood watching before feeling a hand being paced gently on my shoulder as an angelic voice rang through my ears.

"Hi! Great acting by the way!" It exclaimed making me jump around startled. Zendaya.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," she said looking at me sorrowfully, seeing her face made me smile.

"It's fine! Great trapeze work by the way!" I said making her say thanks. God she looked so hot!

"Zac and Zendaya go have a break! Great work you two by the way!" Micheal told us winking to which we both rolled our eyes at.

"Wanna come hang out in my trailer, Z?" I asked her nervously. She giggled a bit to I'm guessing my bright red face before saying yes.

I led her outside to the trailers and we walked towards mine, which was right next to hers.

Oh no! Did I leave that magazine on my desk? Is my trailer messy! What if she doesn't like anything I watch on Netflix! Calm Zac! Calm. It'll be fine... as long as she doesn't see the magazine!

Before I knew it we were standing at my trailer door and I opened it. We both walked inside and lucky me... she walks towards the magazine!

I felt my cheeks burn up, she was starting at it with red cheeks. Her mouth was dropped open and she had a hand frozen on the page. It had a big picture of me shirtless on from Baywatch.

"Sorry about that," I apologised, embarrassed taking the magazine gently and throwing it in the bin.

Slowly her cheeks came back to her normal colour and her mouth shut. She was no longer frozen in shock.

She didn't say anything, all she did was giggle. This made me smile then start to chuckle with her.

We both sat down next to each other with a bag of popcorn, which Zendaya playfully took.
I rolled me eyes and asked if I could have some to which she replied, "If you can get it!"

She ran away and I followed her. I grabbed the bag, but she pushed me to the floor and straddled me grabbing it back. We both laughed so loud that we didn't hear the door being opened.

Hugh and Yaha walked into the living room to see me on the floor and Zendaya on top of me.

"And you said you weren't love birds!" Yaha joked catching our attention. Zendaya quickly scuttled of me and pulled me up. We stood next to each other with bright red faces.

"We're not... just... umm... having fun," Zendaya stuttered, she was even redder than I was at this point, which I didn't believe was even possible.

"Mhmm... anyway Micheal needs you two for rewrite the stars," Hugh stated disbelief showing on his face.

Both of us awkwardly walked into set together. One word can describe that encounter...


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