Thought forever was more than 2 weeks!

643 15 14

Thanks to harpsichords for this suggestion, I couldn't think of anything. Go read their books they're very good.
Thanks again xxx

Zendaya's p.o.v
It was Zac's reunion for High School Musical and I was going with him.

He didn't really want to go, but he wouldn't tell me why? Oh well. We got in his car and he drove us to where the reunion was.

Micheal said we could have the day off from filming today, so we could hang out all day.

When we got there I couldn't see my phone, so I told Zac to go in while I looked for it. After a couple of minutes of protesting, he reluctantly went inside.

I couldn't see my phone, I got up and looked around, before seeing it squashed between the two chairs.

I pulled it out and locked the car. I walked into the big 'high school' to see a sight that made tears fill my eyes.

I gasped, shocked and angry at Zac. Who did he think he was? He was kissing another girl, I think she was that one who played Gabriella. Whatever!

I threw his car keys on the floor, catching everyone's attention. I ran out and away from the building to set. It was a long run : 2 hours, but I had no other choice.

I didn't have any money with me so I couldn't get in a taxi or jump on a bus. Tears rolled down my red, puffy cheeks.

On call

Darnell: Hi Z, wha-
Why are you sobbing?!

Me: Meet me at set!

Darnell: What is going on?

Me: Just meet me at set, I'll explain.

Off call
I ran into set and to my trailer. Many people looked confused and asked questions like, "Where is Zac?", "What's wrong?"

I ignored them and opened my trailer door, slamming it furiously behind me. I sat on the couch and sobbed.

Soon a bang was heard on my door, thinking it was Darnell I opened the door.

Not Darnell. I was met with black hair, slicked back neatly. Tear stained cheeks, blue crystal eyes...
Oh no!


Sorry this is so short, please comment some more suggestions. Peacexxx

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