Oh Heck No!!!

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Zac's p.o.v
In the morning I woke up next to Z. She is so cute when she sleeps. After a while her eyes opened and she smiled.

We went to get ready then went downstairs. Breakfast was on the table and we sat down by the rest of Zendaya's family.

"So me and Zac are going out today," Zendaya smiled, we dug into our delicious breakfast.

"Be safe!" Her mum shouted as we left to go to the shopping centre. We got in the car and I played some music on the radio.

Zendaya started to hum the tune and soon enough both of us were singing and dancing in the car.

We arrived at the shopping centre and first went to some art shops, as Z is actually a really skilled artist.

Don't know if that's true, but just go with it.

"Babe, let's pick some holiday clothes," I smiled, she turned to me confused.

"Why? It's pretty cold," She asked and I grinned happily.

"Because I'm takin' you to Hawaii!" I smiled she gasped, we ran hand in hand and bought summer outfits.

"Babe, I'm just getting these, you go wait by the car," she told me, I nodded and went to wait by the car.

Zendaya's p.o.v
He went to wait by the car while I bought my cute outfit. Once I paid I walked outside.

"Hi!" A man said, as I didn't know him, I kept walking, but he wouldn't give in. He followed me until we were in sight of Zac.

"It's important!" He shouted, I sighed and rolled my eyes, turning to face him. He was tall, with dirty blonde hair.

Instead of saying something important he began flirting with me. I started to walk towards Zac, but he grabbed my arm and kissed me.

I tried to pull away, but he was too strong. I was stuck in his grip, until an arm pulled me away.

"Oh heck no!" He shouted, although the other man was tall, Zac towered above him. Zac pushed him to the floor, before helping me into the car.

I started sobbing, "Oh, baby girl, don't cry!" He said, pulling me into a hug.

I stopped crying and smiled up at him - god do I love him! We drove off to get ready for our trip to Hawaii.

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