What are we?

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Zendaya's p.o.v
So, Zac loves me and I love him back. I didn't know what we were. So I just did what anyone else would do... kiss him.

Yes, I kissed Zac Efron, wow, the taste of his lips still stayed on mine, tingling repeatedly.

Now we are official... I think. Anyway I'm going to his house after work tonight, I guess let's see what happens

"We won't do anything, paps. I just got with him and we are gonna hang out," I sighed, frustrated through my phone. My dad just nodes and said bye one last time before hanging up our call.

I sighed and went to get changed. I wanted to wear something casual, but cute. I opened my closet and saw cute tank tops, shorts, skirts, dresses, but nothing good enough for him.

At the back of my drawers there was a cute, but classy outfit perfect for tonight...

At the back of my drawers there was a cute, but classy outfit perfect for tonight

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I tied up my hair and done my makeup. I checked the time and waited for around 5 minutes before a knock was heard at the door.

I smiled and strutted over to the door. Taking a deep breath I opened it to see Zac standing there int the most handsome suit I'd ever seen.

 Taking a deep breath I opened it to see Zac standing there int the most handsome suit I'd ever seen

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I stood gawping like a complete idiot for a while. Why Z?! Why?!

"Babe... you okay?" Zac asked waving a hand in front of my face. He called me babe, oh my god! I'm his!!!!!

I felt faint, I went super pale and I saw my boyfriend (aka. Zac) look at me, worried. I fell to the floor, but the hard impact never came, instead an arm snaked around my waist and pulled me up.


I woke up in a house I didn't recognise. I was in a mini room on a bed, the counter was full of paperwork and it looked as though I was in a hospital.

Through the door I could see Zac pacing nervously. I slowly sat up moaning in pain a bit. Zac ran towards me and pulled up the top end of the bed so I could sit up straight, which I did.

He sat on a chair next to the bed and grabbed my hand. I had gained my dark, mulatto skin back and I didn't feel faint.

I smiled at him and stood up, the pain soon went after stretching. After that minor setback, now me and Zac could start our real date.

I sat down on his soft, cushiony bed as he turned the TV on.

"What do you wanna watch?" Zac asked turning to face me.

I thought hard, what would he want to watch then it hit me. I sighed.

He took the hint and squealed like a teenage girl. He lay next to me and grabbed the remote.

"Where you up to?" He asked, turning his head to see me, as I did to him.

"Ummm, I've never watched it before," I mumbled, as he gasped.

"My girlfriend say what now?!" He gasped, holy, he called me his girlfriend... YAY!!!!!!

"Just play it silly!" I playfully laughed, he played the first episode and I immediately fell in love with it!

At 10:30 he took me him in his fancy, remodelled 1965 Mustang ,inherited from his grandfather.

I quickly put on my black lace pyjamas

and fell asleep almost instantly once my head hit the pillow

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and fell asleep almost instantly once my head hit the pillow.

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