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Zac's p.o.v
As I was driving all I could think of was Zendaya. I couldn't wait to see her again, as soon as I met her I knew we were going to be best friends- we immediately clicked.

I pulled up outside set and walked into the circus- like building. I looked around to see what looked like a professional trapeze artist. She was flipping around in the air, her brown hair was tied up into a messy, but elegant bun.

Suddenly I caught her eye. Zendaya! I didn't know she was this good, yes I knew that she loved her trapeze and was always on it, but... wow!

She dismounted her rope perfectly and landed next to me without stumbling whatsoever.

"That! Was! Incredible!" I praised, making her blush and say thanks shyly. A price of her gorgeous her flew down in front of her face making her look even more adorable (which I didn't think was even possible).

"Okay, you two love birds need to split! Micheal wants to talk to Zac and Hugh about 'the other side' and Zendaya, you need to practice with me," Yaha said from behind us, both of us blushed even more than we already were.

"W.D!" Zendaya, or Anne should I say, shouted embarrassed, "We are not love birds!"

He looked at her with disbelief as I said goodbye a awkwardly and backed off towards Hugh to practice with him and Micheal.

Zendaya's p.o.v
A climbed up the ladder, W.D doing the same on the other side, to my hoop.

I sat on it like a swing before dropping down and grabbed onto it with my hands before I fell to the floor. I started to sing my bit for rewrite the stars as the hoop was lowered.

You think it's easy
You think I don't want to run to you
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through

My feet hit the ground and I ran over to my rope. I grabbed hold of it and created momentum to spin round the room. I was lifted into the air and spun around the gigantic arena.

At the right time I jumped off the rope and flipped twice before grabbing Yaha's hands. He then laughed and flipped me over to my trapeze which I caught.

Yaha jumped down and landed he ran over to Micheal who nodded and shouted for Zac and Hugh.

"Z, gather momentum we're gonna practice the meeting seen," Micheal called up to me. I nodded, as best as I could seen as I was upside down and obliged.

When I was only a few inches away from the balcony, I put on my elegant face, which trust me is not easy when you've just swung from one side of the room to another about 10 times!

As I swung up to the balcony, I was met with those blue eyes I long to get lost in. Zac's. There he stood- top hat in hand, watching me with love and awe in his eyes, how I longed for it not to just be acting.

Regular p.o.v
Little did our trapeze artist, Zendaya, know it wasn't acting.

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