Cast dinner pt.2

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Zac's p.o.v
I'm holding hands with her! Oh my god! I can feel myself going red.

I looked over at Zendaya while we were in the elevator and she was going red too. Does she like me back? No.

She's Zendaya, actress, model, singer, dancer, she has her own clothing line for crying out loud! I wish I was like her, I just wish that we could be more than just friends.

Hand in hand, me and Zendaya got out of the elevator on the first floor, to see those drunk idiots from before.

They came over to us and started shouting. I told Zendaya to go but she wouldn't leave without me, so I pushed her gently behind me and started to back away.

"Wimps! Scared are you?" One of the men laughed.

"No, we're in public, so I'm not gonna fight you," I calmly stated, I felt Zendaya pull me away. I gladly followed her and we walked into the private dinning room.

Although it was only the cast in here on the one table, there were about 20 tables. Ours was the biggest, it went from one side of the room to the other. I sat down next to Hugh, my new best friend, kind of like a father to us all, and Zendaya.

Zendaya's p.o.v
Zac pushed me behind him as I wouldn't leave without him. If I left I knew he would fight and I didn't want him to get hurt.

I could see he was starting to get angry even though he was talking calmly. So I dragged him away before it got worse.

We sat down at the long table, I sat next to Keala, basically like a auntie to me, and Zac. Everyone ordered wine or beer apart from me and Zac we just ordered water.

I saw Darnell walk in and I laughed at how oblivious he was. Does he not realise the place is empty and it's private. I told everyone to leave him, I knew he would do something like this.

The waiter looked at me flirtatiously an asked, "You sure pretty, come on lets go the bar together?"

I looked at him disgusted, I saw everyone else look at him in the same way, apart from Zac. Zac looked like he had a mix of emotions, confusion, anger, disgust.

"No, I'm fine. I'll just have water," I stated trying not to start screaming in his face about how disrespectful that was.

"I'm not leaving without you. And why? Is it your boyfriend?" He said gesturing to Zac, "I can make you forget about him, we'll live a happy life as a married couple?"

I laughed at him trying to stay cool, "As if!"

"She said no! Get it into your pea of a brain that she just wants water!" Zac shouted, at first I was shocked, but then it turned into happiness.

The man gave Zac a glare before stomping off to get out orders.

"Are we gonna talk about what just happened or...?" Keala laughed, me and Zac looked at each other smiling, "No."

We all laughed and talked the night away. I was still laughing about Darnell and how he didn't realise it was a private dining area.

At 10:00, Micheal decided we all needed sleep if we were going to be doing work tomorrow. We all headed off to our rooms, I watched as Darnell slithered through the door trying to be sneaky.

"Darnell! You do realise that was a private area!" I giggled at his embarrassed face.


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