Anne Wheeler

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Zendaya's p.o.v
I woke up at 5:30 for my meeting with Micheal at 10:30. Ridiculous? Yes, but I was so nervous I couldn't get back to sleep.

I got washed and changed into a shirt and a tight skirt. At 8:00 Darnell woke up and made breakfast as I rushed him to get dressed.


Me and Darnell pulled up to the circus-like building and parked next to a black 1965 mustang (as Darnell told me, because I have no idea about cars all I know is it looked awesome).
As I stepped up to the doors the adrenaline kicked in. I took deep breaths before opening the door.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up from my pocket and read the message that was portrayed on the screen.
Hi, how's New York, lil' sis.
I giggled at my brother, Julian before typing in my response.

Just as I was about to send the message I walked into something (or someone)- I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of the floor, but it never came. Instead I felt two arms gently but firmly wrapped around my waist.

I looked up and saw those blue eyes I could never forget, Zac's.

He stood me onto my feet and I smiled awkwardly, him realising we were uncomfortably only 2 inches apart he stepped back.

"Zendaya! What if I was a wall? Hmm! How would a wall stop you from hurting yourself?" Zac panicked checking for any marks or sores on my fragile body.

"Thanks, Zac. Sorry, I was messaging my brother,"
I replied sending Darnell glares as he held back his snickers.

"It's fine, just don't want you to get hurt," Zac said, smiling, "Are you looking for Micheal?"

"Yeah, do you know where he is?" I asked, trying to act cool. I felt like a teenager again, I felt like I was one of those girls who try to be cool but end up being just plain awkward in front of someone they like.

He nodded and led me into a room with Micheal and 4 other people. Wait... is that? No! Hugh Jackman! Wolverine! Musical! Never thought I'd see the day where Wolverine auditions for a musical!

"Hi everyone, Zendaya's here," Zac announced  over the chatter, making everyone look at me smiling.

"Ahh! Our Anne Wheeler!" Hugh said walking over to me and shaking my hand, making me shocked.

"Wait, I have the part?" I asked mostly to Micheal, who smiled and nodded.

"How could we say no to that singing?" He rhetorically asked me. I smiled and jumped up and down squealing with joy.
Anne Wheeler.

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