Chapter 16 - Secrets Told!

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When we got back the boys didn't say anything about what Dr. Stevens had said. Even though it was Tom's turn, they decided that Nathan could stay over.

When they all had left me and Nathan decided to just go to bed. When we were done changing into our sleeping clothes and were finally in bed. Instead of waiting for Nathan to bring up what Dr. Stevens was talking about earlier, I brought it up.

"So what do you want to know?" I asked, as my back was against Nathan's chest and his head was nuzzled into my hair.

"What are you talking about?" he asked making his arm a little tighter around me.

"Dr. Stevens. I know all of you want to know he was talking about."

"You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to."

"I think I need to."

"Okay." he whispered into my ear.

I let out a sigh, "About two years ago my dad went to pick up my older brother from baseball practice. On their way back they stopped to pick up some pizza that I kept asking my dad to bring back with him."

"After they left the pizza place, they were hit by a drunk driver who ran through a red light." Nathan's gripped tightened a little more as if he was protecting me.

"My dad died on the way to the hospital and my brother was in a coma for two weeks before he was pronounced brain dead." I could feel the tears running down my face and onto my arm.

"My mom went into a deep depression and I had to be the one who decided to take my brother off life support or not. I was 16 at the time it took me a week before I ended his suffering. I had to do everything on my own, because my mom was so depressed. She couldn't do anything, every night she would ask me where my brother and dad were and we would have to relive the nightmare. I would cry myself to sleep every night."

"Since their deaths were so far apart, we had to have two seperate funerals. My mother only made it to one of the funerals and that was my dads. She still beats herself up for not being able to go to my brothers funeral."

"So how does Dr. Stevens come into this?" Nathan asked me.

"He worked my brothers case, he saw what it was doing to me, he was there for me when I felt like I had no one. Anytime I needed to talk I always went to him, he helped me through the stuff with my mom. He reminded me of my brother, I think that's why it felt so easy talking to him." we just lied there not saying anything for a few minutes.

"In a way, I always felt like it was my fault." that's when Nathan turned me around to face him. I was still crying.

"Kenzie, listen to me. It wasn't your fault."

"But I wouldn't stop asking my dad for that pizza. He wouldn't have been there waiting, he would have been home before that guy even decided to get in his truck." I started crying harder, and Nathan pulled me to his chest. Hugging me tightly.

"Kenzie, you didn't make that guy drink. You didn't make him decide to get into his truck and drive after he was drunk. Now did you?" he asked me pulling back so he could look at me.

"No." I answered him.

"See, now you tell me again that it was your fault." I just started crying again, as he pulled me to him.

I cried for a good two hours before I went to sleep in Nathans arms.

When I woke up I was still in Nathans arms and he was still awake.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, I think so. I'm glad I told you. I should have told you a long time ago."

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