Chapter 14 - Kid At Heart!

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So vacation is over and my sisters b-day has passed. She is finally 16! YAY!!! So that means I am finally back to writing!

Siva's POV

"You did not just eat the last brownie!" I said to Kenzie.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't!" she said shrugging her shoulders and walking into the living room, so I followed her.

"You're going to have to make me some more." I said sitting beside her on the couch.

"And why can't you make your own?" she said smirking at me.

"Because I have you to make them for me." I said back giving her my biggest grin, making her giggle.

"Ow, don't make me laugh." she said punching my arm lightly.

"So, what do you want to do?" I ask sitting forward.

"I doesn't really matter." she said standing up.

"You want to watch a movie? Or maybe we could play a board game." I said walking to her movie shelf.

"Let's watch The Neverending Story, I haven't watched that in a long time." she said walking up beside me and taking a movie off of the shelf.

"The Neverending Story?" I ask her.

"Yes." she said putting it in the player.

"Is it a kids movie?" I ask.

"Yeah, I guess. But I love kid movies. Don't you?" she asks smiling.

"Yes, I love kid movies. I'm a kid at heart, didn't you know?" I smile back to her. With that we sat down with some popcorn and watched the movie.

Kenzie's POV

Me and Siva decided to just watch a movie, that's mostly what we do when any of the boys are here. I didn't even remember falling asleep, but the next thing I knew I was being carried up to my room.

"I could have carried her you know." I heard Siva whisper. I thought it was Siva carrying me, I guess I was wrong, but who was carrying me.

"She is my girlfriend Seev, I don't mind." I could tell Nathan was smiling when he said it. And I couldn't help but smile too.

"Well, I'm going to bed in the master bedroom, since you'll be up here. Since I'm guessing you aren't leaving?"

"Okay, and no, I'm not leaving." I felt myself being put down onto my bed.

"Well, I'll see you two tomorrow. I'm downstairs if you need anything." I heard Siva say before the door lightly shut with a click.

I felt the bed go down slightly beside me and then I opened my eyes to see Nathan lying beside me.

"Hi." I said yawning and stretching.

"Hey, I thought you were sleeping." he said kissing my forehead.

"I was, but then I heard your voice." I said smiling at him, as he scooted closer to me.

"That was very cheesy." he said laughing at me.

"Shut up." I said lightly hitting his arm.

"Hey, I like your cheesiness." he said kissing me slowly, before pulling back.

"So why are you here?" I ask changing the subject, before he talked about my cheesiness even more.

"I had to come back and see you. When I walked into the living room, I found you and Siva asleep on the couch. I woke him up so I could carry you up here, but he kept on insisting he could carry you, but I wouldn't let him. Because you are all mine." he said kissing me again.

"I'm sure he could have carried me, you're just selfish." I say kissing him on the cheek.

"Since when is it a bad thing for me to want my girl all to myself." he said inching even closer to me.

"See, you're being selfish." I softly laugh at him, which earns a smile from him. A smile that sent shivers down my spine.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he said smiling even bigger.

"No reason." I say lying my head on his chest.

He wrapped his arm around me and I slowly drifted to sleep in his arms.

Nathan's POV

I watched her as she was sleeping, I kept wondering how she would react when I told her my big secret. She was always happy, maybe she wouldn't take it so bad. Maybe she would be happy. But what if she hated me for lying to her, I couldn't live with myself if she hated me.

She slowly started to move and then I heard her say my name.

"Nathan." she mumbled. I thought she might be awake, but she was still sleeping.

"Nathan, I lov-." that's when she yawned. It couldn't be, she was going to say she loved me. No, that can't be it, could it. Does she love me?

All these questions were running through my mind when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I had to shift slightly to pull it out, I saw it was a text message from Jayne, our manager.

'Can't wait to have you boys back here in the UK. Time isn't going by fast enough. x J'

I smiled at her text, I did miss everyone back home, but I didn't want to leave Kenzie. Since I think I was falling hard for her. I think I might even love her.

I put my phone away, sure that one of the other boys surely texted her back. I slowly drifted to sleep with Kenzie in my arms, still wondering if she was going to say she loved me.

Kenzie's POV

I woke up still lying in Nathan's arms, I couldn't help but smile. I tried to get up slowly, trying not to wake him, which failed.

"Where do you think you're going?" Nathan said smiling up at me.

"To go get ready for school. You know that think you also have to get ready for." I said walking over to my dresser.

"Well, I guess me and Seev should go back to the frat house and get ready for class." he said standing up and stretching. He walked over to where I was standing and kissed me on the lips before pulling away and walking to the door.

"See you later." he said winking at me. Making me laugh, but not hard enough for it to actually hurt.

"Yeah, see you later."

After taking a shower and spending, what seemed like forever picking out the right converse to go with my outfit. And cooking me some breakfast I was finally off to class.

Hope you liked it!


Chapter 14 Playlist

1. Heaven - Warrant

2. The A Team - Ed Sheeran

3. I Wish - One Direction

4. I Want It All - The Wanted

5. How We Do - Rita Ora


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