Chapter 13 - Deal!

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OMG! Guys I feel so bad for not updating sooner, it's been way to long. I know I sound like a broken record, but I promise I'll be updating as much as I can, after this weekend. My baby sisters 16th B-Day is on Monday and we're going on a trip to celebrate! Which means no internet! :( She has been bugging me to update, since she only gets to read it when you guys do, I thought since I can't go to sleep, why not write. (If I'm taking to long to update just go and bother my sister on her Wattpad account @IAmGoldForever)

Jay's POV

"Well, she's left for class. I think we need to start heading out, so we can meet with Sarah at the park." Nathan said walking into the kitchen and sitting at the table.

"Are you still nervous?" I asked Nathan.

"Yeah, I mean what if she wants to date one of you guys or something. Or what if she's crazy and hurts one of you. I couldn't live with myself if something bad happened to you guys." I looked at Nathan and realized he was more mature than we gave him credit for.

"I also know you couldn't live with yourself if you let that girl ruin your relationship with Kenzie, if there was something you could do about it." I said back to him.

"You ready to go?" Siva walked to us shoving a brownie in his mouth, that Kenzie made for him the night earlier.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Nathan said standing up.

We borrowed Kenzie car, so if the girl did turn out to be a stalker, she would stalk Kenzie and not us. When we pulled up to the park we decided to meet the girl Sarah at, she was sat at a bench facing away from us. We all climbed out of Kenzie's car, which we all barely fit into and walked over to the girl.

When she heard us walk up she turned around and walked over to us and for a second I thought she was going to try and hug us, but I guess the looks in our faces changed her mind. I can tell you one thing, we did not look happy.

"Hi guys! I'm Sarah." she said sticking her hand out to us, which she quickly dropped back down to her side. "I know we aren't really meeting on great terms, but if you got to know me bet-," she got cut off by Nathan.

"Get to know you better, you're blackmailing me. You've started off the wrong way, if you just wanted us to get to know you." Nathan said back to her, trying not to raise his voice.

"I know, but I wouldn't call it blackmail." we all just looked at her.

"Then what would you call it?" Tom said, not afraid if someone heard him. Which seeing it was around ten in the morning, I was surprised there weren't kids everywhere.

"Call it, creative invitation."

"If it was an invitation, we would be able to decline. You forced us here, I think I'm right calling it blackmail." Nathan spat back at her.

"Call it what you want." she said back to him, keeping her calm.

"Speaking of what people want, what do you want?" I asked and everyone looked at her.

"That's easy, I want you to take me with you to London, when you leave in a little over a month."

"No!" Nathan said right after she said it.

"I bet your girlfriend doesn't even know you leave in a month. Does she? She couldn't seeing that she doesn't even know who you really are." she said answering her own question. Nathan just looked down.

"You wanted us to get to know you better, yet look how you're acting." I said to her.

"She'll find out sooner or later. Even if I'm not the one to tell her. But wouldn't you like to be the one who told her?" she directed the last part to Nathan, who had finally looked up.

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