Chapter 2 - Secret's Out

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'Tom I'm home.' I shouted as I closed the door.

'You have a good time?' He questioned coming into the hall from the kitchen, and once again he was just in trackies he is always walking around shirtless.

'Yeah it was great.' I smiled.

'I made chilli for dinner.' He grinned at me. And that was that I was straight in the kitchen sitting in my chair up next to the counter.

'I take it someone's hungry then.' He laughed plating us both up some food.

We dug straight in.

'El?' He asked after we finished.

'Yes Tom Tom.' I replied putting the plates in the dishwasher.

'The other boys are coming round tomorrow, to do a bit of writing as we have instruments and stuff, do you mind?' He continued.

I froze a bit, but quickly returning to normal so it didn't look suspicious.

I looked at Tom who was giving me a questioning look.

'Oh yeah sure I don't mind, got nothing better to do.' I quickly mentioned.

'Ok that's great, thanks El.' He spoke happily kissing my head before going off to the sitting room, probably to call the boys. I headed upstairs to bed, falling asleep straight away I was shattered.

I awoke to shouting the next day it was midday, I ran downstairs to see what was going on.

Jay grabbed hold of Nathan as he took a swing to hit Tom, while Max and Siva held back Tom who looked seriously pissed. I walked in and everyone looked at me, I gasped when I saw Nathan; a black eye forming, a bloody nose and a cut lip.

'What the hell is going on!' I cried looking at all the boys.

'Oh don't bullshit me Ellie.' Tom spat.

'What you talking about.' I asked looking at Tom.

'Stop feeding me crap Ellie, you lied.' He spoke bluntly kicking my phone towards me.

I picked it up and looked at the screen.

'New Message-Nathan<3

Looks like I'll be seeing you tomorrow, I enjoyed tonight, love you night beautiful.'

'What the hell, why did you go through my messages.' I practically screamed at him.

'I didn't, but you lied Ellie, you said you went to Cammie's, but you didn't did you, no instead you were meeting the twat in the corner over there.' He said giving a slight glare at Nath.

'Yeah so what I lied, why do you give a shit, yeah I didn't go to Cammie's but why is that any of your business!?' I growled.

'Because I'm your older brother and the only one left to protect you, after mum and dad buggered off.' He retaliated.

'Nathan isn't gonna hurt me.' I shouted.

'Oh so you did go see that twat last night.' He sighed irritated.

'Shut up Tom, the only twat here is you .' I spat.

'El, leave it he would of found out soon enough.' Nath spoke up.

'Nathan shut up.' Tom snapped at him.

'How long you been seeing each other?' He questioned returning his attention to me.

'A while.' I replied.

'Answer me properly Ellie.' Tom warned.

There was silence.

'6 months.' I breathed finally.

'Are you bloody serious, 6 fucking months, all behind my back.' He shouted really angry now.

'I'm meant to be able to trust you both, you're my sister and you're my band mate but no you both lie to my face and go behind my back, seriously what the fuck.' Tom continued to yell.

'You know why I didn't tell you? It's because I knew you would do this, your so over protective just stop it, you've never been here ever, you didn't know what it was like when dad and mum were here as you were always away.' I screamed pulling my jumper sleeves up to show him my scarred arms. Everyone gasped and horror spread across his face.

'I needed someone to comfort me and that person is Nathan and whether you like it or not I love him and that's final.' I continued storming out the house down the road.

I curled up on the bench and just cried.

A few hours past then I heard a relieved voice calling my name. I sat up to see where it was coming from and I saw Nathan running across the field. I got up and ran to him, him taking me in a embrace.

'I'm so sorry Nathan.' I sobbed stroking his cheek.

'Hey it's okay don't worry.' He soothed.

'Come on let's get you home.' He mentioned.

'No I don't want to go back, can we please go to yours.' I begged squeezing his hand.

'Ok then.' He smiled.

We walked off back to his house in silence. We shut the door behind us as I leant up and kissed his forehead.

'I'm so sorry Tom did this to you.' I apologised looking into his eyes.

'El it's alright, it's just Tom.' He replied.

'Can I see your arms.' He questioned begging me with his eyes. I gave in and pulled up my jumper sleeves to reveal my scars.

His eyes went wide as he saw them taking my arms with his hands. He kissed my arms along most of the scars. Tears fell down my face.

'Please don't do it anymore, promise me.' He begged pulling me to him.

'I promise.' I mumbled into his chest. He kissed my head.

I dragged him by the hand to the kitchen and sat him down on the stool. I cleaned his cut lip and bloody nose and put ice on his black eye.

He took the ice and my hand and lead me to the sitting room where he lead down on the sofa with me sitting in his legs and him holding the ice up on his eye.

'I knew he wasn't going to like it but i didn't think he'd react that badly.' Nath admitted placing his spare arm over my waist.

'It's Tom, he's just protective that's all, I think the main reason he was angry was because we hid it for so long.' I replied snuggling into his chest.

'Yeah I guess so.' Nath said placing a kiss on the top of my head.

'He'll get over it eventually.' I hummed closing my eyes.

I fell asleep on his chest.


A/N: DRAMA hope you liked it please comment and let me know what you think :) -Lucie

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