Chapter 26 - Unexpected

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*Nathan's p.o.v*

It took just under 2 weeks for me to get over the jet lag.

I loved being back with Lillie and Ellie.

I rolled over and looked at Ellie who had just buried her head in the pillow.

'You okay?' I asked.

She mumbled something against her pillow making me chuckle which ended in receiving a slap on the chest from Ellie.

She turned slightly so she could look at me.

'Can you take Lillie with you today please?' Ellie asked.

'Sleep if you're tired, I will take Lillie with me.' I said kissing her cheek.

Once again she just mumbled before rolling over and going to sleep.

I got out of bed, had a shower and got dressed. Before going to see Lillie.

'Lils do you want to come with me and you can see your uncles?' I asked sitting down on Lillie's bed as she crawled over on to my lap.

She nodded, I hugged her and kissed her head then helped her get dressed. Once we had breakfast and were both sorted, I picked her up, locked the door and got in the van waiting outside.

‘Hey guys.’ I said placing Lillie down on my lap.

They all said replies. Being quiet as I had a sleepy three year old on my lap.

Once we got to the radio station there were a mass of fans outside.

I waved to all the fans and winked at them before heading inside with Lillie.

'Hello Capital London we are joined by some very special guests today, everyone give it up for The Wanted.' Dave called down the mic.

'We also seem to be joined by another special little person, you want to say hi?' Lisa asked looking at Lillie. Lillie leaned forward on my lap to get closer to the mic.

'Hello.' She said nervously before hiding her head in my chest.

'Of course we are joined by the beautiful Lillie-Mae Sykes.' Lisa continued.

'So Nathan how's it been being a dad?' Dave questioned.

'It's been hard but fun and I wouldn't change it for anything else in the world.' I responded giving Lillie a kiss on top of her head as she cuddled into my chest.

Causing aww's from around the studio.

'So you boys are here for your first play of your new song Never Let You Go which is from your 5th album.' Lisa continued conversation. (A/N: Song on side)

We all agreed in unison.

‘So what is this song about?’ Dave asked.

‘Well basically it’s about having your perfect girl and never wanting to let them go and you will always be there.’ Max explained.

‘Do you all have your perfect girl?’ Lisa winked.

‘Ellie.’ I replied being the first in the line.




‘I’m looking for mine.’ Jay finished.

After a few more questions they finally played our song.

For the rest of the day we were recording and writing to finish of the fifth album.

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