Chapter 10 - I'm Sorry

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*Ellie’s p.o.v*

I was at the park and sat down on a bench. I placed my hand on my growing stomach and rubbed it gently.

‘Everything will be okay little one, mummy just needs to sort things out, I’m sorry for putting you through this.’ I whispered to my baby.

I thought of my options of what I could do, fear and sadness over took me so I got up and walked.

 I kept walking and walking, I had to get as far away as possible from Tom. I didn’t want him to hate me to think I’m weird or disgusting. I can’t have my last family member not wanting me; I wouldn’t be able to cope.

I was walking through a town getting odd as well as concerned looks from people as they saw my face that still had tears rolling down it. I was in the middle of town when my phone rang…. It was Nath.

I automatically declined it and continued walking I knew where I was going I knew what I had to do. i had made my desicion.

My phone went off again.

This time a text from Nathan: Please baby, pick up I have to know you are okay :( xx

He called me again, this time I answered.

‘Ellie, Ellie where are you? Are you okay?’ he said sounding relieved.

‘I’m fine Nath, tell Tom I’m sorry and just so you both know I love you.’ I spoke choking back the tears.

‘What you talking about El?’ Nath asked concerned.

‘I’m leaving, you won’t ever see me again I love you both so much.’ I admitted not being able to hold back the tears that escaped my eyes.

‘El…/’ I hung up before he could finish his sentence.

*Nathan's p.o.v*

What? She was leaving? No she can't! What about our baby, what about me? Why is she leaving me? I rung again, desperate.

'Please pick up, please please pick up.' I whispered.

'The phone you have called is no longer in service.' The monotone women spoken.

I hung up the phone, my head in my hands.

I'm never going to see her again, I will never get to meet my baby.

Tom came over his hand bandaged.

*Ellie's p.o.v*

I took the sim card out of the phone snapped it in two before throwing it in a nearby bin.

I continued walking until I reached the train station, I got on to the train and sat by a window a hand on my stomach.

I stared out the window as it started rolling forward. All the familiar surroundings rushing past.

‘I’m sorry.’ I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek.

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