chapter fifteen.

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xv. ybambe!
chapter fifteen

 ybambe! chapter fifteen

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" How we lookin', Bruce? " Natasha called over the comms, and Helena, who stood across from the woman, followed her gaze behind them at the scientist in the Hulk-Buster, running alongside the jets.

" Yeah, I think I'm gettin' the hang of it. " Bruce insisted, then started shouting as he flew ahead of them, stumbling as he ran, " Wow this is amazing! It's like being the Hulk and not actually being— "

Helena flinched as the big hunk of machine tripped over a rock and rolled in the ground.

" I'm okay. " Bruce insisted.

" I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line. " Rhodey said, he and Sam having flown ahead of them to scope out the battlefield.

As they came to a stop, Helena saw two tall, dark figures standing near the edge of the forcefield. She didn't need to get any closer to know that they were Proxima and Black Dwarf. The Wakandan warriors piled out of the jets, which took off after dropping them all off.

They got in line, chanting a war cry after M'Baku, the leader of the Jabari tribe. He and T'Challa shook hands and exchanged a few words while Helena's eyes narrowed down at the Black Order. Her hand clenched around the hilt of her sword.

" Helena. " Steve called, walking ahead of the army, Natasha at his side; the Asgardian looked to him with a raised eyebrow. " You've dealt with them more than we have, you should come with us. "

So, Helena followed Steve, Natasha, and T'Challa down to the edge of the forcefield, where Proxima and Black Dwarf stood opposite them.

               " Your hand is looking better. " Proxima commented in her monotone, meeting Helena's sharp glare with a humorless smirk, " Don't get too used to it. "

                 " Where's your friend? " Natasha asked, raising an eyebrow curiously at the absence of Cull.

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