chapter six.

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vi. the battle of new york (the sequel)
chapter six

 the battle of new york (the sequel)chapter six

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(yes I made this, yes it's canon to me)

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Vero's laugh was inappropriately timed and cold, bitter almost as he waved his hand around a moment before dropping it to the table sitting in front of him. The other Avengers glanced over at him, having just read the Sokovia Accords, and being told that they were to be monitored by the government didn't sit well with most of them.

" You're actually insane if you think I'm agreeing to any of this. " The fifteen year old Stark insisted, shooting a humorless grin at his father, who only stared back him from his chair. " We're not. . You're not, right? "

Tony kept quiet, arms crossed over his chest as Vero let out an exasperated sigh, turning to look at the others. They were all at least twice his age, but for the most part, they respected him as much as they would if he was an adult.

" We can't sign this, I don't know how many of you actually read all two hundred forty three pages, but I did. " The dark haired teen stated firmly, eyes glancing over them; Natasha, Wanda, Vision, and Steve sat around he table with him, Rhodey and Sam stood behind the chair Steve was sat in, and Tony was leaned back on a couch beside Sloane, who's hand was outstretched, covering his hand on his leg.

" They'll be in control of us. They can tell us what to do, who to hurt, who to ignore. We'll be like their personal soldiers. " Vero declared, shooting the last bit of his sentence towards Steve, who held a look on his face that read as deep in thought.

" How come the kid gets it but you don't? " Sam questioned rhetorically, scowling at Rhodey beside him.

" Vero, you saw the footage. Secretary Ross is right, we've caused a lot of damage over the years- " Rhodey tried to point out, only for the young boy to cut him off irritably.

" Yeah, and with that damage, we saved lives. We saved the damn world a few times! " Vero persisted, only calming down when he heard Steve mutter "language" under his breath. " They can't blame us for not saving everyone, that's impossible. It's just their way of trying to make us look like the bad guys.

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