chapter five.

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v. whatever it takes
chapter five

 whatever it takeschapter five

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" I can't do this. " Sloane blurted, hands covering her mouth as she sat in the passenger's seat, across from Tony; he didn't usually drive, especially not on long trips like the one from Malibu to Virginia, but this was a more private matter and didn't feel like dragging Happy into it. " I can't, we have to leave, I-I can't - "

" Woah, calm down, Sloane. " He told her, holding his palms up, turning slightly in his seat to face her; they had only been sitting in Cesar Martinez's driveway (her driveway) for five minutes, and Sloane could already feel the panic building in her chest. Tony could see the signs of a panic attack nearing, since he had plenty experience with them, and tried to keep it from happening.

" Sloane, it's going to be okay, " He said in a reassuring tone, laying one hand on the steering wheel, tapping his fingers against it unnervingly, the other he used to gesture towards the nice house sitting in front of them, " Look, worst case scenario is that he an alcoholic. Well, he could also be dead, but highly unlikely so my point still stands. "

She gave him a dry look, one that just read "are you actually serious right now?", and Tony could only return with a slight grin, shrugging. Sloane did, however, manage to calm her nerves, taking in a deep breath as she tried to relax. Her husband hadn't heard from her for nearly a year, since the Chitauri invasion had ruined the communication system on her spaceship, and, according to the news broadcasts Tony had shown her, most of the world thought she was dead.

She didn't really care about the rest of the world right now, though. She cared about how Caesar would react.

" Okay, " Sloane announced, pressing her palms against the dashboard, seeming to still be stalling, only to unlock her door and glance over at Tony, " I can do this. "

Tony nodded in agreement, and the two of them got out of the car, the driveway of gravel underneath their feet clanking together with every step they took. The closer they got to the house, the more afraid Sloane became. The first bad sign had been the fact that they were even at this house at all; Sloane had gone to what she remembered as her old home, but found a elderly couple there instead. Then, Tony tracked Caesar down with suspiciously good hacking skills, and it led them here, to a neat, expensive looking house in D.C.

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