chapter seventeen.

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xvii. just a snap
chapter seventeen

 just a snapchapter seventeen

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" We cannot hold him for long. " The wise voice of Thoricus Maragos echoed, Aegina Andris glancing over to meet his disheveled, golden eyes. There was a trail of dull yellow ichor running down his forehead and his usually vigorous eyes are exhausted. " We need a different plan. "

Aegina's electric blue eyes blend in almost perfectly with her skin, which sparkled with the remnants of stars and faraway planets. The Keeper spared Thoricus a tilt of her head as she insisted, " If you have any ideas, I'm all ears. "

From across them, on the other side of the long-forgotten planet of Mistrio, the birth place of the Keepers' bodies, Zakynthos Callas fought on his own. Their home had been destroyed, decimated in their attempt to rid the universe of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Now, dying flames and smoke filled the atmosphere, their Temple of Eternity reduced to nothing but rubble and debris.

Zakynthos's eyes glowed an angry red as he lifted tall rocks out of the burnt surface of Mistrio, raising them over Thanos and collapsing them on top of him. The slabs of rock crushed the Titan with a gasp of air, and the red aura around the Keeper grew as he hovered over to where Thanos' head lay exposed, the rest of his body trapped underneath the sharp concrete.

" The universe will never be balanced until it is rid of you. " Zakynthos prophesied, glaring down at the Titan; his skin was ashen and bloody, but it was barely noticeable under the bright ruby glow illuminating his outline. The man lifted a hand, slowly bending his fingers into a fist, causing the rocks to twist around Thanos, who let out a pained yell.

Standing away from the chaos directly, Cyrene held her arms outstretched before her, green rings of magic embracing her wrists as she kept time frozen around them, keeping any other beings in the universe out of the line of fire. Her arms were shaking, and she could feel the achy pain throughout her body, but her soul was still burning harshly, an emerald glow within her eyes as she stared ahead at the fighting.

" We must ensure that Eretria did not die in vain. " Cyrene stated, forcing her eyes over at Thoricus and Aegina, who were still recovering from their previous battle. " She died for us, so let us win for her. "

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