chapter four.

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iv. the wizard and the mechanic meet
chapter four

 the wizard and the mechanic meetchapter four

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             Sloane was inspired by Ellen Ochoa, the first Latina astronaut. Ever since she watched the launch of her spaceship on her rickety old television, Sloane knew exactly what she wanted to do. She wanted to see what lurked outside the world they knew. She wanted to explore places that the average person would never see.

               And, she was able to live out her dream, after graduating college with a bachelor's degree in engineering and mathematics. She applied to NASA, and, within several years of tirelessly filling out the same form over and over again, she was finally accepted.

             She didn't get to actually soar into space until her third year working there, though, but  she didn't mind the wait when she finally got to sit in the pilot's seat. The wheel under her gloved fingertips, the stillness of the air in the pod, and the gross, prepackaged food that she had to live on, she loved it all.

                 Sloane had been initially sent into space to research odd occurrences outside of Earth's atmosphere, which was later discovered to be caused by the sudden infiltration of Asgardian royalty, Thor Odinson and Loki Laufeyson. However, she ended up spending a little over a year in her spaceship, mainly because the American government was dealing with something a little more urgent than her.

                 An army of Chitauri, brought to Earth by nine other than Loki himself. Along with that, they were conflicted with if they should let the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. continue to operate without being under the government's watch. One woman floating around in space was not their main concern.

                Sloane might've been okay with that, since she liked being in space, the vast canvas of pure blackness, dotted with scattered stars, meteors, and planets painted along it, being in space was probably the best feeling she had ever experienced. If she had been able to just stay a little longer up there, if that had been the case, she might've been okay with NASA forgetting about her. That was not the case, though, and she had every right to be angry.

               Sometime during the attack on New York, the portal that released the Chitauri aliens was opened just above her ship. Sloane had watched the hideous creatures come into Earth before descending down into the real land, where the people were. She had been in shock, and truly, for once in her life, had absolutely no idea what to do. She debated trying to contact NASA, and just as she had managed to convince herself to do so, one of the large, reptilian-like creatures knocked into her ship, sending it tilting sideways.

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