chapter sixteen.

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xvi. it was the only way
chapter sixteen

 it was the only waychapter sixteen

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Lucina slowly turned her head to look over at Strange, wishing that the word hadn't come out of his mouth. She didn't want to see Tony die, but she also didn't want Strange to get in the middle of it. Strange set himself against a large piece of debris, breathing heavily as he met Thanos' eyes.

" Spare his life, and I will give you the Stone. " He promised, and Lucina nearly felt her eyes bug out of her head; Tony looked confused and surprised at the same time, considering Strange's previous words.

Thanos held an unreadable face as he kept the Gauntlet pointed at Tony, " No tricks. "

Strange's face was deadly serious as he firmly shook his head in confirmation. Vero stayed at his father's side, watching the exchange in worry. Lucina looked over at the man, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

" What are you doing? " She asked him in a quiet voice, and Strange met her concerned expression with a calm one, even with blood running down the side of his head.

" Trust me, Lucy. "

Lucina said nothing but just looked down at the ground as Strange eyed Thanos, " I'll give you the Stone, if you let them live. "

Thanos seemed unconvinced, but he shifted the Gauntlet in Strange's direction, holding out his other hand, waiting. Tony grunted in pain as he called out, " Don't. . "

Strange barely spared Tony a glance as he turned to Lucina, watching her with cautious eyes before he assured her, " Everything will be okay, Luce, it'll only hurt for a second. I promise. "

Lucina felt tears building in her eyes as she placed one hand to the front of her tunic; the woman subtly shook her head as she closed her eyes briefly before looking at Strange pleadingly, " He killed Selena. "

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