update - please read

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okay, I know. I'm an awful person that hasn't updated this book in like two weeks and I'm sorry, truly I'm really sorry. I've got half of the next chapter written, but the flashback is purely original content and the rest of it is a fight scene and I have a lot of trouble staying in a groove with fight scenes.

anyways, I'm hoping that when lokiIaufeyson finishes the trailer for this fic, I'll get a lot of inspiration because her trailer are freaking amazing.

so now that that's out of the way, I want to talk about something else I usually don't like doing.


I don't like asking for nominations or votes because, I don't know, I feel like I'm begging for them?? But, since I believe that most of you that read this book actually enjoy it (hopefully), so I don't really feel like I'm asking you to do this.

Anyways, I was nominated in bisexualarchie 's award book for best Infinity War fic, and if you believe that this book deserves it, then you can go vote on my name by commenting "+1"

By no means am I expecting any of you to do this, especially because I've been lacking in updates, but I do have some special extra things planned for this book (one shots, character q&as, maybe even a graphic contest if there's enough people interested?) so I'll definitely be trying to get this book done.

So, yeah, sorry to disappoint since this is not an actual chapter, but just know that I love each and every one of you readers! Thank you for sticking with this book and enjoying the journey the characters have taken so far, and there is much more to come!

for now, enjoy these crackships of Peter and Vero.

 for now, enjoy these crackships of Peter and Vero

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