chapter one.

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this book will jump back and forth between the present and flashbacks in order to build characters and plot; flashbacks will be in italics. like the movie, there will also be location jumps, which will be stated.
also, no spoilers in this chapter, since this chapter only contains original content and is set just before the movie starts.

i. he is here
chapter one

 he is herechapter one

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Helena had never felt so beaten in her life. Not when she heard of the great Odin's death. Not when she fought alongside Thor against his own brother, Loki Laufeyson. Never had there been a moment in her life where she felt as if she had truly lost, a moment where she was no longer in control of her own fate.

Not until now.

The Asgardian could remember feeling ecstatic when her fingers first wrapped around the orb that held the Power Stone. For once, something she was stealing was actually hers, and that made her body tingle with triumph as she pulled the Stone from the Collector's limp hand. Of course, she had not killed him, only because she didn't have time. She had seen the large, dark spaceship following her to the planet. She knew it was Thanos and his men, hoping that she'd lead them right to the Power Stone.

They were hot on her tail, making her end the moment of pure excitement rather quickly as she saw the ship's shadow grow over the surface of Knowhere. Helena shoved the orb into her vest pocket before taking off in a sprint to her own, significantly smaller, spaceship. The silver paint glinted in the light of a near moon. Her heart was pounding in her armor clad chest, and the only sound she could hear was the wind whipping past her as she quickened her run.

She momentarily forgot about Thanos' ship as she finally reached her ship, climbing up the released ramp before hitting the close button with her fist. The brunette slid into the pilot's seat, turning the ignition and firing up he engine. She pressed a series of colorful buttons in rapid motion, and with a pull of a lever, the ship began to hover above the ground. As it rose higher into space, Helena pulled out the orb, regaining her breath through panting, and pulling as hard as she could at it, muscles shaking as she forced the orb to crack. The magenta glow of the Power Stone illuminated the Asgardian's face, adding to the bright blue hue of her eyes.

Helena did something no being that wished to live would do, and held the stone in her palm, closing her fist around it gently. The intensity of the gem burned slightly in her hand, but she was born to handle the Power Stone.

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