chapter three.

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iii. the infiltration
chapter three

 the infiltration chapter three

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Selena had been on the run for what felt like her entire life. After she was sacrificed by her father to the pits of Vormir, in hopes that her death would give him the power that the Soul Stone held, her life had changed. The Stone deemed her father unworthy because he tried to sacrifice someone he did not love. If anything, Selena would've rather died in exchange for the Stone.

Instead, the Stone took her father's soul, and, at age eighteen, Selena was cursed with becoming the Soul Stone, figuratively. It became part of her, infused deep within her heart, and it gave her an incredible power that was almost like a curse.

The ability to kill, to take one's soul, with just a touch. The touch of Death.

At first, after she had found a way off of Vormir, and made her way through the galaxy, Selena had been content with her new life. After finally coming to terms with the fact that her father died because he didn't truly love her, she seemed okay. But, that period of okay-ness did not last as long as she wished it had.

Selena had landed on Jotunheim, more or less accidentally, and quickly found herself in a situation with the Frost Giants that lived there. She didn't mean to trespass, and she certainly didn't want to take anymore of their time than she needed to, but when they began demanding that she leave instantly, Selena tried to explain that she couldn't leave without a means of transportation. Then, one of the giants had grabbed her shoulder - puny and frail, compared to them - and all hell broke loose.

The Frost Giant's skin began to rot almost immediately after contact, and, soon, his flesh was deteriorating before all eyes. The others just stared, in horror, in shock, and in awe. Selena wrapped her arms across her body, the familiar coolness of her gloves attempting to comfort her. She, too, watched with wide eyes, but she was not shocked, nor in awe.

She was terrified, of herself.

Once their friend had finally died, choking for air as his shrinking lungs failed him, the other Frost Giants finally snapped out of their trances. Their attention turned to Selena immediately, shouting angry insults and names at her, stomping towards her until she had backed up as far as she could, near her broken ship.

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