chapter fourteen.

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xiv. the astronaut, the mechanic, and the kid
chapter fourteen

 the astronaut, the mechanic, and the kid chapter fourteen

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Quill's plan was going smoothly, for the first five seconds, at least. Thanos has appeared through a blue portal, heavy footsteps falling to the planet's surface. As the Mad Titan looked around at the destruction, Strange made himself known to keep him from seeing any of the other hidden heroes.

" Oh, yeah. " He called, drawing Thanos to look at where he sat on a rock, leaning forward on his knees. " You're much more of a Thanos. "

The aforementioned monster raised an eyebrow as if almost surprised, but he only sighed as he said, " I take it that Maw is dead. "

Strange nodded firmly, and Thanos declared, " This day extracts a heavy toll. But, still, " he continued, eyeing the Eye of Agamotto around the wizard's neck, " he accomplished his goal. "

" You may regret that. " Strange stated coolly, " He brought you face to face with a master of the Mystic Arts. "

Thanos took a few steps forward, but not threatening enough for them to begin their plan. They had to wait for Strange to give the cue.

" Where do you think he brought you? " Thanos inquired.

" Let me guess, " Strange said in lame amusement, " your home? "

Thanos looked fondly down at the Gauntlet as he managed a half grin, " It was. "

Using the Reality Stone, he began to change the scenery of Titan before them. The sky turned a bright, colorful blue. People walked around, having conversations that could not be heard. Thanos smiled in remembrance.

" And it was beautiful. " He commented, admiring the small lakes that were embedded in the ground— where, in reality, there were only dry, lifeless craters. " Titan was like any other planet: too many mouths and not enough to go around. And, when we faced extinction, I offered a solution. "

" Genocide. " Strange replied, raising an eyebrow.

" But random, " Thanos agreed, " dispassionate, fair, rich and poor alike. . . They called me a mad man. "

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