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oo. we will rise again

 we will rise again  epilogue

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" Quill. . . Quill, answer. . . please, it's Helena. . " A crackling came from the radio comm that had been left in Nebula's ship, which she was rummaging through after realizing that they would need a way home.

" Helena, it's Nebula. " The blue skinned cyborg answered, looking back at Tony and Vero, who slowly perked their heads up from where they sat on the ground.

" Nebula. . . What's your status? " Helena asked, and they could hear how winded she sounded, even through the static.

" Everyone's gone here. It's just me and the Starks. " She replied, and she was quiet for a moment before she added, " What about Earth? "

" Quill's gone? " Helena quietly asked, but she didn't await for a repeat of Nebula's answer; she cleared her throat and stated, " T'Challa, Wanda, Bucky, Groot. . . it would be easier to say who is still left. "

                   Vero's head quickly snapped over to Nebula as he began to rise to his feet, he called out to her, " Sam. Ask her if Sam Wilson is still there. "

               Nebula looked past the boy to his father, but he just gave her an exhausted look. She held down the button as she asked, " Is there a Sam Wilson there? "

                 There was a brief moment of silence as Nebula released the button, and then the crackling came. Vero instinctively tensed up, eyes staring at the ship as he waited to hear an answer.

                 " He's gone. " Helena responded, and Vero instantly felt like he'd been punched in the stomach; he sunk back down to his knees, dropping his head and shoving his hands to his face. " I'm sorry, kid. "

              As if suddenly remembering, Tony also called Nebula's name, telling her to wait. He was hesitant, as if he was unsure if he wanted to know the truth. Still, he had to know.

              " Let me have that. " He insisted, and he slowly limped over to the ship, grabbing the radio comm in his hand, closing his eyes as he asked, " Cap. . . Come on, Cap, I know you're there. "

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