chapter nine.

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ix. worse than death
chapter nine

 worse than deathchapter nine

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" Hey! " A familiar voice boomed, making both Vulture and Vero's heads snap over to the teenager wearing his own modeled suit, " Surprised? "

" What the hell, Pete. . " Vero muttered under his breath as the spandex-clad boy walked into the Vulture's hideout; the black haired vigilante hand been hiding on one of the catwalks above Vulture's desk for quite some time, waiting a good time to proceed with his takedown, he hadn't been expecting Peter Parker to show up, especially not when he was supposedly going to homecoming with said villain's daughter.

" Oh, hey, Pete, " Vulture said casually, as if they were good friends; the way the teen's name rolled off his tongue so easily made Vero clench his jaw, pale fingers gripping the bar of the catwalk tightly as he watched the man turn away from his tool table. " I didn't hear you come in. "

" It's over, I got you! " Peter shouted, oblivious to Vulture's less than shocked attitude.

" You know, I gotta tell you, Pete, I admire your grit. " Vulture praised, slinging his bag over his shoulder as Peter continued walking towards him, a determined look on his face under the fabric of the mask. " I can see why Liz likes you, I do. "

" When you first came to the house, I was like 'really?'', but now I get it. " As Vulture and Peter began to drone on about Liz, Vero zoned out, as he usually did when he heard someone mention the oh-so perfect Liz Allan; he didn't hate her, but god, it was hard to like someone so. . . Liz.

The fact that Peter drooled about her all the time didn't help Vero's case, either.

Instead of listening to the pointless yet inevitable villainous speech the Vulture was giving Peter, Vero assumed it was a distraction and tried to look around the room, hoping to see something that he could use against the former man. From his position on the catwalk above, though, it was hard to move without making a noise, and, in the big, open warehouse, they would definitely hear him if the wires were to shake under his weight.

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