chapter ten.

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x. the gang's back together (sorta)
chapter ten

 the gang's back together (sorta)chapter ten

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" T'Challa, you look just as awkward as you did when we were children. " Itai's thick Wakandan accent broke in over the many voices cluttering the conference room, causing said prince to turn his gaze away from the streets below, a grin on his face as his old friend strolled up to him, hands in the pockets of his sleek suit.

" You were always the more outgoing one, Itai. " T'Challa insisted as the taller man clasped a hand on his shoulder, an equally big smirk on his face as he briefly glanced out the glass walls of the building before meeting his friend's stare.

" Yes, I suppose so, but you are royalty. These people would much rather speak to you than your simpleton advisor. " Itai persisted, gaining an eyebrow raise from T'Challa, a quick beat of uncertainty before they both broke out into a fit of laughter; after quickly sobering up, seeing the strange looks they were receiving from the serious politicians in the room, Itai added, " Jesus, these people are too uptight for me. Just like this hideous suit I was forced to wear. "

" Sorry, Itai, but not everyone in the world walks around shirtless twenty-four-seven. " T'Challa commented, and Itai only rolled his eyes at that, opening his mouth with another remark ready, when his wandering eyes spotted a woman with short, perfectly styled, black hair, and small, pinched facial features.

" And, what country does she come from? " Itai questioned, intrigued as he directed his friend's eyes to the woman, who was currently speaking with another man in a suit, " Because I would not mind to visit if everyone looks like her. "

" That would be America, my friend. " T'Challa supplied an answer, to which Itai's face contorted, scrunching together in slight disgust before he stated, " On second thought, maybe not. "

" Ms. Romanoff, " A voice suddenly called, catching the woman's attention as she bid a quick farewell to the man she was talking to, before striding over towards the woman that had said her name, " These need your signature. "

T'Challa nudged his friend as he began walking towards the woman, Itai following after clearing his throat and adjusting his suit jacket. The short haired agent turned just as she heard them approaching, finishing off her signature for the woman beside her.

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