chapter thirteen.

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xiii. welcome to wakanda
chapter thirteen

 welcome to wakanda chapter thirteen

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At first, Helena Eerikdottir thought sneaking into Odin's treasure room was a great idea. Now that she was stuck inside of it with no way of getting out, she thought otherwise.

          The ripped bag slung over her shoulders was almost entirely full of gold and silver and other expensive-looking, shiny objects that she couldn't name. Helena would be making a lot of money, if she lived to sell the stolen items, that is.

                She had planned the guards' routes out. When she had snuck inside, there was only one standing outside, waiting for his partner to take over for him. By now, fifteen minutes had passed by, she was sure there was at least two standing outside the door. If she waited half an hour, she might get lucky and be able to sneak past the one again, but she couldn't sit with that an uncertainty for that long. Plus, Odin himself could walk in at any given moment; he seemed like the type of man to make surprise visits to his treasure room.

                Helena yanked on the straps of the bag, pulling it securely up her back as she scanned around the room for a second way out. No air vents from what she could see, but she was also in a room full of golden, glistening objects, so she couldn't really see much. She stood near the door, pressing her ear against it as she looked down at the crack at the bottom, seeing two shadows standing outside.

                    Helena was young and naive, she would realize some time after, but she would never stop— it was the one thing she was could at — and it's what she was meant to do. From a young, impressionable age, Helena knew that she was a Keeper, and she had been told everyday about her duties to the Stones and the universe. So, she wouldn't stop searching and stealing until she found her rightful possession.

                 " Sir, what are you doing down here? " One of the guards questioned, and Helena's eyes narrowed as she tried deeply to hear the newcomer's voice.

                 " I have been told to retrieve a chalice for my father. " A familiar voice informed them, and Helena felt herself almost freeze.

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