chapter twelve.

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xii. a star is born
chapter twelve

 a star is bornchapter twelve

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" If you don't let me see it, I can't let you leave this room. Like, ever. " Lucina insisted, raising an eyebrow at the Selena, " That's not gonna be fun. "

Selena wore an almost emotionless expression as she narrowed her eyes questionably at the woman before her. Wong, Strange, and Lucina had found her only two days ago, but they figured she should've been trying to talk to them. It's not like she wasn't being cooperative, but it's a lot harder to understand someone when they don't speak unless forced to.

" I'm not gonna hurt you or anything, I promise. " Lucina coaxed, hoping to drag Selena out of her shell at least somewhat. They had also noticed Selena's adamant protesting against touching her skin, so Lucina had put on a pair of leather gloves to calm her down.

" Please, trust me. "

Selena watched the woman's eyes, noticing that the left one was split down the middle: half green, half brown. She had seen plenty of odd features and attributes, but she'd never seen something that looked so extraordinary but yet perfectly simple in the same.

Selena hesitantly pulled her arm out from under the blanket she had been using. Her eyes went to Lucina's face instantly, waiting to see her reaction. She was expecting her nose to wrinkle in disgust, or for her to pretend like she wasn't going to flinch in shock. However, Lucina's expression remained unchanged when she saw the rotting flesh along Selena's arm.

Blackened, dry skin covered her limb from the tips of her fingers to her shoulder. Lucina did seem a bit confused, and she looked to Selena.

" What happened? " That was a question Selena had never expected to answer. She expected screams of horror and distaste, or even puking and running away. She never planned for this sort of question.

" You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to. " Lucina insisted, meeting her eyes with seriousness, " But I do need to know how to go about treating it. "

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