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Toni's POV

I'm really not the type for parties, and usually not unless I know most people...but Veronica invited the Serpents, so free alcohol! Jughead was gonna drag me there anyway, because Betty is gonna be there. As soon as I walk into the party with Jug, he ditches me for Betty. I scramble to find Sweet Pea, or at least someone I know, when Veronica announces a game of 'spin the bottle'. "What the hell" I say to myself, grabbing a beer and downing it on my way to the game.

I stand by the couch where most people are sitting, including Sweet Pea and a few other serpents. I sit with them as Veronica explains the rules. I guess this is basically spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven put together. Whatever, as long as I don't end up with Archie. First up is Veronica, who lands on Sweet Pea. "Nice" he says to himself. I'm pretty sure he's had a crush for a while now.

A few boring turns later I'm up. I spin and it lands on the one and only...Cheryl Blossom. She seems like a total bitch sometimes, but I don't buy it. I'm shaken from my thoughts when Cheryl says "Well, Cha- Cha what are you waiting for?". We walk into the closet and Veronica starts a timer for 7 minutes.

I close the door and turn to Cheryl. "Well are we gonna do this or are we just gonna pretend?" I ask. She takes two steps closer to me and whispers "that's up to you Topaz".

I lean in and smash our lips together. Cheryl seems to be shocked that I'd do something like that, and I smirk. I turn and pin her against the door, hands in her hair and tongues clashing. Not to brag, but judging by the little whines it's eliciting, I'd say she's enjoying herself. Just then Veronica knocks on the door 3 times.

I decide to be ballsy and take a pen out of my pocket, writing my number on Cheryl's wrist. "In case you're interested in more", I say, leaving a long kiss to her cheek and then walking out the door.

Cheryl's POV

I walked out of the closet totally shocked. Who does this serpent chick think she is? I did NOT think she would go in like that, she seems so shy or at least a little less...that at school. Should I text her? Go find her now? So many questions filled my mind but number one was why is she so hot!?

I decide against going to find her. I don't want to look needy, so I made my way to the kitchen in search of some serious alcohol. So many people stared at me as I made my way to the kitchen. I saw Midge and Moose staring too. "Seriously? Take a picture, assholes it'll last longer!", I yelled at the crowd. I grabbed a bottle of vodka and took a large sip from the bottle.

I sat up on the counter and closed my eyes, taking religious sips of the bottle every once in a while, until it was gone, and I was drunk. Toni walked over to me, smirking "what's wrong Blossom, can't handle a little serpent kiss? Questioning your sexuality?". I tapped her nose, "nu-uh Topaz, I already knew I wasn't straight, boys are icky!" I managed to stutter out, giggling. Toni laughed, and it was beautiful.

I reached for another bottle, but Toni stopped me and said, "woah there Blossom let's slow down on the drinks", I jumped down off the counter and let out a whiny "but whyyy alcohol is my only friend!".

Toni's POV

Cheryl was an impossible drunk. She was whiny, obsessed with alcohol, and, well, cute. She had her hands all over me all night. When we sat with Veronica, Archie, Jug, Betty, and some of the serpents she was sitting directly on my lap when there were plenty of seats around us. Her hands were tapping on my thigh and her lips were on my neck.

Later, she was drinking (again) against Jughead. She was nicer when she was drunk, that's for sure because she called him by his first name, and not 'hobo' like usual. They were playing beer pong except just seeing who could drink the most, when Cheryl stopped and almost threw up. "Ahhh she's gonna yack!" yelled someone, presumably Reggie, from the back.

Veronica and I each grabbed an arm and lead her to the bathroom. I held her hair back while she threw up, and Veronica went to get her some clothes for bed, because 'her mother would kill her for this'.

Cheryl groaned when she was done and sat back against the tub. She looked at me and asked, "Why are you so nice to me? I'm such a bitch to everyone" I scooted back to sit next to her "well, I don't really know Cherry, you are beautiful and I don't think you're so mean all the time, I mean I see that you can be nice sometimes and-" then Veronica opened the door and said "I think it's time we get her to bed", she said pointing to Cheryl, who was playing with a curl in her hair in front of her face, cross-eyed.

I laughed and turned to Cheryl. "Hey Cherry what do you say we get you into bed?", "Mmm ok T, but only if you stay with me". "Ooh and carry me there" she adds. "Okayy Cheryl, I think your crush is showing." "Nu-uh Veronica, Toni's not here". Me and Veronica laughed, "Actually Cheryl I am here".

"Oh." she says, "well whatever Toni let's go", she says as she gets up, and almost stumbles into the shower, so I wrap an arm around her waist and follow Veronica to one of her many guest rooms. When we get to the room, she throws me some PJ's and says "good luck".

So I guide Cheryl into the room, and have her sit on the bed. I say, "lift up your arms so you can change your shirt" and she replies, "ooh why don't I leave it off so we can have some fun", and finishes with a wink. I laughed and said "Haha Blossom how about we watch a movie tonight,and do that another time". She seems to agree with that, as she lifts up her arms and lets me put her Pj's on.

I change into a t-shirt, but Veronica didn't give me any bottoms. Sneaky. Anyway, I turn on the TV to Netflix and let Cheryl pick a movie, but of course about 5 minutes in, she's already asleep and tucked herself right into my side. I finish the movie, text Jughead that I'm okay, and let myself fall asleep with my arm around Cheryl.

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