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Kinda a part two bc the rest of the last part didn't save...oops

Cheryl's POV

I reached Toni before she got to the door. Grabbing her shoulders, I told her "No Toni, you need to be here with Fangs, and I can't have you being dangerous like that" she sighed and mumbled "I know", slumping into my shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around her, one hand in her hair and the other around her waist. "Do you want to head to the hospital?" I asked her after we cleaned up the mess and locked up the White Wyrm with Jughead and Betty.

She said yes and locked up the doors and we said bye to Jughead because he was going to go tell his dad about what had happened with the ghoulies. Jughead's words were "this is war", Toni was kind of quiet.

I understood, she was scared for Fangs, especially because she had lived with him for a while and they were friends since they were like 10.

I told Jughead and Betty we'd update them with any news, when I realized Toni had totally zoned out. I wrapped my arm around her waist and she snapped out of it, "Are you okay?" I whispered to her, close enough to her ear so that they wouldn't hear. Tears welled up in her eyes and she shook her head no.

Immediately I panicked, I knew Toni hated when people saw her cry, so I said a quick "bye guys!" to Betty and Jughead, and guided Toni to the car. I opened the door for her and immediately after she sat down she fell into hysterics.

Her head fell in her hands and she sobbed, "he'll be okay Toni, I'm sure, okay?" she pulled her face up and ran her fingers through her hair and wiped her face of the tears still left. "We'll go see him now, okay?" I told her and she just said a small "yea" and we were off.

When we got to the hospital the place was filled with serpents, some even helping out with the nurses or other patients, but mostly stayed out of the way, just hoping for good news.

We waited for hours. I left to get food for everyone and came back, still nothing. Toni was in and out of sleep, every time she woke up she would immediately ask "Can we see him?!" and sulk when every time I had to tell her there was no news.

At 1am I was done with the waiting game. So, I called the best detective I know. Not Betty Cooper, but her mother. 10 minutes later, Alice storms into the hospital and immediately heads to the nurses desk. I moved Toni off my lap and told her "wait here I'll be back in 5."

She said "okay" and I could tell she was exhausted because her eyes were barely open when she replied. After 15 minutes of back and forth arguing, Alice managed to allow Fangs to have visitors, but for only an hour.

Alice then announced this to every serpents, and all of Fangs friends went in first. Toni walked over to me in shock, "What did you do?" she asked, looking back and forth between me and the now-open door where Fangs' room was.

"I pulled some strings" I smirked, "Thank you" she sighed out and kissed me before running into Fangs' room. I stayed back and called Sheriff Keller to tell him what happened, and that he should come to the hospital to yell at the idiots who wouldn't let anybody see him, and take statements to arrest the ghoulies.

Next I called one of the best doctors I knew for Fangs, who wasn't working tonight and explained the situation, to which she responded she would make time for tomorrow. Then I told the hospital that I would be paying for his bills. Money wasn't a problem with me, in fact I loved spending my mother's money, and I wanted to do what I could to help.

After 30 minutes of phone calls and paper signing, I went in to Fangs' room to find Toni asleep on the couch, sandwiched between Sweet Pea and Fangs' brother. "Blossom!" Sweet Pea called out after I said hello to Fangs and explained that I got him a new doctor. "I thought you forgot about this one" Pea called out, pointing over to a sleeping Toni.

"Never could" I said back. Sweet Pea smiled at me, who was staring at Toni. They resumed their (loud) conversation, that I was surprised Toni was sleeping through. She is a heavy sleeper though, and I know she was really tired even before she came in here.

It was almost 2am now, so I figured we wouldn't be going to school tomorrow, and we should probably head home. I walked over to the couch and brushed her hair out of her face, "Toni wake up" I said semi-quietly, shaking her shoulder.

She jumped up in shock and confusion, and while everyone else laughed, I smiled at how cute she looked, "Bed now?" I asked her, and she smiled as big as she could, "could you tell I was tired?" I nodded my head, "I think everyone could."

"Let's go though, its almost 2am and I still need to drive us home", "Okay then let's go" She got up and hugged Fangs goodbye, while I said "I'm glad you're okay" and he smiled, half asleep. I knew Sweet Pea was keeping him up, but I don't think he minded either.

On the drive home, I was suddenly extremely exhausted, as was Toni, but she still said "Thank you Cheryl", holding my hand that was on her thigh, but I looked at her confused. "Why are you thanking me?" I asked her as we were pulling in to the trailer park. "Because you stayed with me all night and helped Fangs and you were there with me the whole time" she said rushed, but I still got it all.

"Well it's about time I helped you out, huh?" I laughed at my own joke, "what are girlfriends for anyway?" I followed up. "I love you" she said, looking right into my eyes. "I love you more" I said back and leaned in to cup her face and kiss her.

She pulled away after a while, "But I'm fucking tired so let's go to bed" she said getting up and running out of the car into the trailer. By the time I finished cleaning up all the trash Toni and Jughead leave behind, she was snoring with her jeans and boots still on.

"What am I gonna do with this one" I said to myself, changing her into her PJs.

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