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Toni's POV

It had been a week since Cheryl started living with me and Jug and not much had changed. After we had our serious talk(s) I figured we didn't have to talk so seriously anymore. We'd just been hanging out at Pop's and at home. Sometimes I even stayed back to watch her Vixens practice. But I still felt like we were moving a bit fast. I mean I see her almost 24 hours a day. Even though I do like her, I might ask her if she feels like we're moving too fast too.

Today's Thursday and I think I'm gonna talk to her at Pop's after she's done with the Vixens. Meanwhile, the black hood is running around looking for 'sinners' I hope he doesn't go by the Bible definition, considering we're both bisexual.

Anyway, school is over in 10 minutes and I have to go to Math tutoring while I wait for Cheryl, because that's my nap class. Buuut instead I found Betty and Jughead investigating the Black Hood. Apparently they noticed a pattern between the houses and were working on finding the next ones.

After a while of doing history homework, the only class I like, I felt Cheryl lean her chin on my shoulder and leave a kiss on my cheek. "Hey baby", I said and turned around and kissed her. I pulled out my phone to check the time. 5 o'clock. "Dinner?", I asked her while I packed up my stuff.

"Yea", she said, "but I don't really want to go out, how's pizza at home?". I told her and stepped away to order some. I sighed to myself, she's so beautiful. Do I tell her I want to slow it down or just go along with it?

"It'll be at the trailer when we get back" I said when I walked over to her and slid my arm around her waist.  I looked from Cheryl to Betty, "What was I interrupting you guys? Too bad", I said and leaned in to kiss her only to get a hand in my face. "Oookay well I'll let you two finish then", I said and grumbled off to wait at the exit for Cheryl.

10 minutes later I was still waiting, now sitting by the door when Cheryl strolled up and squatted down by me, hand on my cheek. "Hey TT I'm sorry about earlier, okay? Let's not let the pizza get cold and I'll pay."  "Okay okay, but I'm still missing that kiss." I leaned in and kissed her, not too long but enough until we get home.

I pulled away to her whine, and dragged her to my bike. She was kissing my neck the whole way home, so much that I was sure I had 20 hickeys up and down my neck. That's the thing though, we've been together for all of 2 weeks and I kinda wanted to wait. I like her a lot and I wanted to know that I really loved her before we went there.

Not that I hadn't done it before, but that just seems to be under the moving to fast category.

We pulled up to the trailer and I got off and turned to Cheryl. "Do you want to go inside or am I gonna carry you in there on my neck?" I asked, cracking a smile at her. "Okay let's go or I might get distracted again" she said stealing a peck on my neck.

The pizza was on the steps when we got to the steps, Cheryl looked at me incredulously "I thought I was paying?" "I handled it." I said back, "let's freaking eat" I said, opening the box. She took a bite, and so did I but she was still looking at me strange.

She got up and sat on the counter next to me, "babe what's wrong you're acting weird." "No I'm not." I said back, mouth still full of pizza. She cracked a smile at that, but still asked again, "m'kay Topaz, that's a lie, so how about you tell me what's up." She said, and hopped of the counter, moving from the kitchen to the couch and patting next to her.

I sighed and sat next to her, facing her and took her hand. "Look Cherry, I like you a lot, I do. But I feel like we are kinda moving really fast. Like we see each other all the time, like 24 hours a day you-" And that's when I looked up to see her interrupt me, knowing this was a mistake. "Oh so you don't want to see me all the time now? We've only been dating for two weeks and you're already sick of me?"

I sighed "No Cheryl that is not what I meant, I just wanted you to know and was wondering if you felt the same way about it." She pulled her hand out from under mine. "Well, Topaz, clearly I don't. So while you think we're moving to fast, I'll slow it down for you. I'm leaving for a bit", I tried to get up, but she pushed me back into the couch, "don't wait up." She said waking out the door.

"Not what I meant" I whispered to myself as I heard her slam the door and stomp off.

An hour later I was scrolling through tumblr, barely even looking at it. What about Cheryl? Where'd she go? It's not like her house is the best place to go, but I don't know where else she'd be. Maybe I'll go by her house to check.

Just as I was putting my jacket on Jug ran inside, Betty following close behind. He looked around, his eyes finally landing on me, "Where's Cheryl?", he asked in a tone that gave me goosebumps.

"We had a fight and she left. I don't know where she went.", I said to Betty, avoiding Jughead's glare. They exchanged a glance, "Why?" I prodded.  Betty nudged me to sit down and started, "We've been looking into the Black Hood and who it could be for weeks now, and we think whoever it is lives in Thistlehouse."

I was surprised but not really, but now it's my fault for putting Cheryl in danger. Jug and I rounded up some serpents and headed to the Blossom's area. Jughead started, "Okay people hide in places where you won't be visible to anyone entering the house. I'll stay outside and knock 3 times on the window when I see someone."

It was getting dark and I was praying Cheryl wasn't in danger. Only me and Jug have guns, everyone else just had their knives. I crept into Cheryl's room to find her on her bed. "Fuck Toni what are you doing here? I told you to leave me alone I want space." I walked over to her bed and picked her up. "Well that's too bad." I opened her small closet and sat down in it with her on my lap.

"Toni seriously what's wrong with you today?" she looked me in the eye, concerned. I kissed her. "I'm sorry about earlier, okay? And I want to talk about it later but right now I think you're in danger." I rushed all the details out without looking at her, and she nudged my face up to look at her. "Why." she commanded me to tell her.

"Betty and Jughead think the Black Hood has been living here. We have serpents inside that are gonna try and help get whoever it is, okay?" she looked scared, "But I'm here to help you okay?" "Okay", she whispered back, and rested her head on my shoulder, wrapping her arm around my waist.

She jumped back when she felt the gun tucked in my side. "Toni what the fuck!" she almost screeched, and I quickly put my hand over her mouth. "Relax baby it's only in case, okay? It's not even mine." She nodded and I pulled her close to me.

Suddenly we heard three loud knocks and the door creak open and Cheryl started crying. I heard whispers and suddenly a gunshot. "Fuck", I whispered out. I looked at Cheryl, eyes wide and tears streaming down her face. I pulled her in with both of my hands on her cheeks, and kissed her. She kissed back and I slipped my tongue into her mouth. We kissed for another maybe two minutes until I pulled back.

I had one hand on her cheek, the other on her hip, her eyes boring into mine. "I love you Cheryl Blossom, I know I said I wanted to go slow, but you make me fall fast." I pecked her and she smiled at me, "But now I have to go"

"No Toni stop it! Come back here." I closed the closet behind me and leaned against it, sighing. I pulled out my gun and walked into the hall, gun first. I turned left and right, nobody, and I started to walk downstairs. I turned into the living room, where Fangs was shot in the shoulder.

I kicked Sweet Pea, because I saw his terrible spot and nudged him over to Fangs. I peered into the kitchen and saw someone outside. Time to be smart. I pushed a bowl off the counter, hoping the person would get scared.

They jumped and I opened the kitchen door, aiming at them. "Turn around!" I yelled. It was Jughead. "What the fuck Jug! You didn't get anyone? Who shot Fangs?" He took a step closer. "Go get Cheryl. We're leaving and I'll tell you later."

I busted through the door and the closet. Cheryl was gagged and her wrists were tied. Suddenly I was on edge. "Baby what happened?" I asked and pulled out the gag in her mouth, cutting through her wrist ties.

"Toni!" she yelled as a man ran up behind us. I turned and covered Cheryl, shooting at his gun, then his shoulder. I didn't want to kill him. "Jughead!" I screamed for him as I took off the hood. Cheryl's dad. I breathed out as Cheryl took a sharp breath in.

She punched him square in the nose about three times, crying and screaming until I pulled her back and Jughead came in. "We're going home." I told him, and guided Cheryl out with an arm around her. So much for slow.

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