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Toni's POV

It's Tuesday and I'm working at the White Wyrm and Cheryl's going to meet me here later. I'm 3 hours into my shift-it's 8 o'clock and Cheryl should be here soon to get dinner. We eat here for free since I work here and I'm a serpent. Now that I think about it Cheryl really should be here by now, so I give her a call. No pick up.

I've never been someone to get so worried, but when it comes to Cheryl I won't risk it. Betty and Jughead are already here with a few others, so I go over to Betty and ask if she's heard from Cheryl. She hasn't.

I think about it, and decide to wait it out. She'll be here soon I'm sure. After about 10 minutes of me pacing around the bar and checking my phone constantly for Cheryl's call, she walks in...on her phone.

I walk over to her, "Cheryl what the fuck! You're an hour late, and I called you? You didn't answer or call me back?" I rant to her, kinda angry, mostly worried. She looked down at me, "Cute." she said, "but I didn't call you back because I knew I'd be here soon, and I had to do something that I'll tell you about when your shift is over, okay?" she asked, waiting for me to nod before leaning in to kiss me.

"Okay well now that you're done freaking out that I'm dead or something" she said, and I shrugged off her hand, "I was nervous about you! You're barely ever late ok" She nodded, pulling me in for a hug. "I know baby, I was just kidding" she said into my ear.

Just then some guy working with me yelled for me to get back to work and I had to get back. "Okay I'll be done in a few, Jug and Betty are in the back" I told her, kissing her cheek and getting back to work.

Cheryl's POV

I walked over to Betty's table to wait for Toni. I actually had something really important to tell Toni, I had gone to see my mother and told her I wanted to be emancipated. Josie's mom was my lawyer, and used pretty damning evidence to get her to sign the papers...

I'm emancipated!

The only reason I didn't tell Toni was because she gets so excited about these things, I didn't want to get my hopes up for it to not happen. Just then Toni came over and sat next to me and said, "hey babe", kissing my cheek for about 5 seconds too long, she always does.

"You seemed pretty zoned out there" she smiled, "Yea I guess I kinda was" I laughed, "Jug gets a little boring talking so serious all the time". "True" she laughed, putting her arm around me.

We ordered our food, a burger for her and a salad for me; shocker. After we got our drinks, a cherry cola for me and a beer for her; shocker again, I turned to look at Toni, "Actually Toni I wanted to tell you something"

"Okay" she said looking around, then asking Jug to keep our food if it came. She turned back to me, "Do you want to go for a walk?"she asked, getting up and reaching for my hand.

We walked outside and she nudged me with her hip, "talk Cherry" she said laughing "You're the one who wanted to talk."

"Okay okay," I said, "Umm before I tell you I want you to know that I love you, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was just scared okay?" I told her. She nodded, "I'm emancipated", I told her.

She stopped, shocked. "Cheryl I'm so happy for you! That's great!" she said and jumped right into my arms. "Are you excited?" she asked, smiling widely. I finally cracked a smile too. "Yes!" I said, "I'm just so glad I won't have to deal with her anymore." She pulled me in for another hug.

"Gosh that's just so awesome Cher. I'm so happy for you" she said, gushing with a big smile. "Buut I'm also starved so let's eat!" she said dragging me back in the direction of her food, me laughing behind her.

We sat down to eat, and while I was like 3 bites into my salad, Toni had essentially finished her burger and was now trying to dig into my salad. "Hey! That's mine ask next time" I said, swatting her hand away. "Hey!" she yelled back, "I'm paying!", laughing halfway through the second sentence.

"Oh so you can just take my food cause you're paying huh?" I challenged, raising an eyebrow. "No I know" she said and paused, "but can I have some?" she said shyly. I smiled "Yes" I laughed as she dug in.

"But Cheryl" she said looking at me, "why didn't you tell me you were getting emancipated?" she asked, reaching for my hand. I sighed, "I just didn't want to get us too excited if it were to fall through, you know? Things don't really work out for me that often, you know that Tee"

She shook her head, obviously upset with what I'd just said. "Cheryl you can't expect the worse for things you want all the time, this worked out well didn't it? And I worked out well too, you got lucky with me" she winked.

"Shut up, Topaz, if anything you got lucky with me" she shrugged, "I guess you're right" she said taking another bite of my food. "I love you" I said what I was feeling, and I was feeling 100% in love with Toni, like I am all the time but to the extreme. "I love you too Cherry" she said with her mouth full of salad.

I smiled at how young she acts, when someone busted through the door. Ghoulies.

"Fuck!" Toni yelled, and there was an uproar in the whole place. Toni pushed me under the table and kissed me before she ran off to fight them. Betty came over and hid with me, she was crying. There were tables flipping and glasses smashing and suddenly a gunshot. Everyone fled, the ghoulies left.

It hit Fangs. All the serpents stopped, except Toni, who got a gun from behind the bar and tried to chase the person out, but

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