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Cheryl's POV

When we pulled up to the trailer Cheryl asked me to wait up so I could talk to her for a second. She looked at me and grabbed my hand, "Look Cheryl I just wanted to know why you ignored me at school. Are you afraid of me or something?" I was shocked after she said that. Am I that much of a bitch? I don't even know why I ignored her!

There was a small silence and she was looking down, so I turned towards her and reached up to her cheek so she'd look at me. "Toni I am not scared of you, I swear, I don't even know why I ignored you, I was just scared. I don't deserve the attention you give me and I didn't want people to judge me at school." I felt myself starting to tear up and I turned away from her.

She got up and left the car and I started to seriously cry, until she opened the door. She took my hand and said, "I think we should go inside and talk about this, okay?" I nodded and she wiped my tears away.

She led me into her room and gave me a sweatshirt, since it started raining outside. She told me she'd be right back and came back with some food for us. She sat down next to me, while my head was leaning against the wall and she was facing me. "Cheryl I think you should tell me why you don't think you deserve attention."

I didn't know what to say to her. I've never opened up to anyone like this before. I've never even had someone ask me questions like they actually cared. I was lost in thought until Toni nudged me, and looked at me expectantly.

"I don't know T, I-I just deserve to be alone. Every time I get something good or someone to care about me I ruin it, or I scare them off , or they end up not even caring in the first place. I mean the amount of times I've been used...and I don't even know why I'm telling you this" I sighed.

Toni's POV

I looked at Cheryl and she looked broken. Her thoughts were spilling out of her mouth with no caution. She was just mumbling at this point, so I grabbed her hand to stop her babbling. "Cheryl, look you can tell me anything and it can stay between us, I can just see you need help and I can be here." I slid next to her and pulled her into me. "You just relax, okay? I'll be here."

In less than 10 minutes, she had fallen asleep on me. I pulled the blanket around her and went to go talk to Betty and Jughead. I sat down and Jughead and Betty looked at me like I had something to explain. "So what were you guys doing in there?" Jughead said with a smirk.

I sighed. "That is not what we were doing in there ok? She's really upset and when I asked her why she ignored me she kinda broke down. She cried herself out and now she's asleep but what should I do?" Betty got off Jughead's lap and sat next to me on the couch, "Look Toni, I think you just have to be there for her if you really like her. She needs someone like you."

I sighed and said thanked Betty, "okay do you guys wanna watch a movie now?" Betty complained and said she had homework to do, so me and Jug watched a movie, since I don't do homework, and Jug is usually 2 weeks ahead of everyone else.

We settled on some documentary, since I was probably just gonna scroll through tumblr anyway. We ate about all the leftovers in the house, much to Betty's dismay. By the time the movie was over it was 8 o'clock and I figured it was time to wake Cheryl up.

I slowly opened the door and walked in to sit next to her on the bed. "Cheryl", I pushed some hair out of her face and she slowly stretched her arms out and yawned. Too. Cute.

"'Morning", she said I laughed and said "not quite, it's 8pm." She giggled and said "oh". "Yeah, I thought you might want to head home now." She sighed, "I guess so, but I can walk." I shook my head, "No Cheryl, why would I let you walk home if I can drive you." She mumbled something back. "What?" She mumbled again.

I put my hand on her face, "Cheryl, why don't you want a ride home?" She just pulled my face down to hers and kissed me. It was strong and rushed and as she sat up and pulled me onto her, I gave in and took over. I put my hand on her neck as hers slid down to my hips, but I had to pull away.

I was kinda out of breath but I asked her again, "Cheryl why don't you want to go home?" She sighed and said, "Because I don't have one." I looked at her, "Okayy why is that?" She looked down and played with her hands. She started, "I've never been the family favorite, but when my brother and father died in a car accident, my life got even worse. And then, even worse when my mom found me kissing some girl, so she tried to send me to some catholic school, and when that failed she changed the locks to our house and now I don't have a house."

"Oh my God. Cheryl you don't deserve any of that, okay? Where have you been staying?" "On the weekends I stay at Veronica's or Josie's, but they don't know what my mom is like." "But I don't need your help, I can stay at the school again tonight", she said, trying to get up, forgetting I was still on top of her.

"I don't think so, Blossom. You can stay here and I can help you out." "No Toni I don't want you to feel like you have to help me, we aren't even dating and I feel like your responsibility."

I got up and kneeled next to her. "Cheryl I don't want you to feel like a responsiblilty, but you can stay here. And I'm not letting you leave anyway so welcome to your new home!" She opened her mouth to complain, no doubt but I shut her up with a kiss.

"Toniiii" she whined out, and I gave her a stern look. "Thank you" she whispered. I smiled at her, "I knew you'd come around". "Now let's not be so serious", I said kissing her and pushing her back onto the bed as she squealed.

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