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Okay. Courthouse tomorrow. You'll pay for this. -V. Lodge

Toni nearly jumped in the air and pumped her fists running around her office, but instead she opted to run out of her office and home as quick as she could. Betty and Jughead were just as excited, as they actually did run around their apartment in pure excitement.


Toni never gets nervous before cases, its immature of her because it makes her lose. But she is nervous about seeing Cheryl. She was winning Cheryl the divorce and making Veronica sign her plan- she was certain of that, but it was Cheryl's reaction she was scared to see.

She walked into the courthouse in all of her usual confidence, ready to win, but unusually seeing familiar faces in the crowd. The gang smiled and waved but Toni refused to crack, she would be stone cold.


Cheryl, on the other hand was in complete confusion when Veronica threw a strangely nice outfit at her, and there was some strange woman standing in the corner. "What is this?" she asked hesitantly. Veronica snapped her head back to Cheryl, "You're getting what you wanted. Now hurry up and change."

She did as she was told and changed quickly, fixing her hair to make herself look at least halfway decent in her too-long back pants and white and black striped sweater.

She walked out toward Veronica and the weird lady opened the door for the both up them while Veronica put her hand on Cheryl's back. The girl kept trying to walk faster to get her hand off of her but Veronica sped up with her.

They got in a black town car and Cheryl had no idea where she was going, but didn't dare to ask. When they stopped outside the courthouse Cheryl was more than confused. "What are we doing here?" she asked and turned to Veronica, "Shut up and get out" was all the raven- haired girl could say, clearly angry with whatever circumstance this was.

Cheryl walked up the courthouse steps and was welcomed by some security guard, "Welcome, Ms. Blossom" the man said, confusing Cheryl, who hadn't been called her own name since she was dragged to New York.

Veronica walked in behind her and put a sarcastic hand out and stupid face, imitating Cheryl's confused face. She walked into a room behind Veronica and was even more confused when she saw Betty and some of the other members of the usual Riverdale gang in there.

She was led to the front row behind a table and a judge. She sat down and Veronica grabbed her arm, in a low, sharp whisper she said "This is a divorce hearing. You're getting what you want, but if you make a single noise about anything you know I swear to god." Cheryl pulled her arm away and Veronica moved to the other side of the courtroom.


Before Toni could enter, she sent in one of her smaller lawyers that she trained, it was an easy case after all and she didn't exactly have a platonic relationship with Cheryl. So instead, she sat outside of the courtroom until the case was over.


Cheryl had just gotten a divorce from Veronica Lodge. As excited as she was, she had no idea where she was going to go, or how she'd support herself. She watched with a smile as Veronica left the courtroom, pushing the door with a slam.

She thanked her lawyer, whoever he was, but the man told her he wasn't who she should be thanking. What could that possibly mean? She turned around to see Betty waiting for her. "Hi Cheryl" she waved shyly, and Cheryl pulled her into a hug.

"Betty what's going on?" she asked and Betty smiled, "I think you should go outside and see for yourself.


Outside Toni was pacing, she saw Veronica leave, and was on the phone with a client when the doors finally opened and time clicked into slow motion. Cheryl's red hair moved from side to side as she looked down the hall, until her eyes locked with Toni's. Her eyes grew wide and she ran to her.

Toni's heels clicked a few steps until Cheryl's body collided with hers. The two girls stayed in their embrace for what felt like years, until Toni pulled away at the sound of Cheryl's sniffling. "I missed ya Cherry" she said, getting her first good look at Cheryl in years.

Her classic red lipstick was long gone, and the shine of defiance in her eyes had been replaced with pure sorrow. She was still so effortlessly beautiful, Toni thought. "Not as much as I missed you, I promise" her voice was different too, Toni noted, and offered a smile to the girl.

Just then, Jughead, Betty, Sweet Pea, Kevin, and Josie walked over to the two girls. Cheryl was overwhelmed that these people even remembered who she was after all of these years. "Well what do you say Blossom, should we head home?" Sweet Pea asked, an endearing smile on his face.

Cheryl's eyes watered as she replied, "Yea let's go home." To the girl who hadn't ever had a home for more than a year, she couldn't believe her own ears. Home.

a/n: sorry this is short! I wanted to update

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