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Cheryl was at her peak in happiness from the past years of her life, just the fact that she had people concerned with where she was was enough for her. She was walking with Betty and Jughead going back to their apartment, where she'd be staying. They all went out to dinner after the courthouse, and only Jughead, Betty, and Cheryl were left. Toni said she needed to file the papers from today, but she'd meet them back at home.

"So what does Toni do?" Cheryl asked, interested in what the love of her life had been up to. Jughead sighed, "This may take a while, Blossom. Toni threw herself into doing her work after you left, saying its what you'd want her to do or something-" Cheryl interrupted him "It is what I wanted her to do" Cheryl showed a sideways smile and Jughead shook his head, pointing to Betty to continue.

"Well she decided she wanted to be a lawyer and went to college, she was at the top of our class at Riverdale, and at college." Cheryl nodded proudly and Betty continued with after seeing how interested Cheryl was in Toni. It was clear how much she missed the girl.

"Anyway she started her own practice and trains lawyers, like the one who did your case today and helps everyone back in Riverdale, she bought the trailer park back too. But she's always working lately, maybe you should loosen her up" Betty joking bumped shoulders with Cheryl causing the girl to blush.

"I think I just want friends first with everyone. I just got out of a marriage that I never wanted to be in anyway." Cheryl said with her head down, kicking rocks along the sidewalk until they stopped and she walked into Jughead. "Welcome to your new home!" he said, laughing while Cheryl rubbed her head. "Thanks" she said, for once having a genuine smile about going to sleep.

When they walked into the apartment Betty explained who lived across the hall, and Kevin and Fangs' relationship. Jughead pushed the door open and called out for Toni, who walked out of her (now transformed into Cheryl's room) "Hey guys I just got my new apartment." Toni stated, walking into the kitchen searching for food.

"Why?" Cheryl asked quietly, still somewhat scared to speak up. "Its only next door, so I'll still be here to eat all of their food. I really never stay home unless to sleep anyway" Toni assured her, knowing she wouldn't be going into work tomorrow.

"Toni it's 11 already, are you working tomorrow?" Jughead asked, because his best friend was usually in bed by 10, or sleeping at her office. "No I'm not working, I wanna catch up with red here" Toni said cocking her head to the side at Cheryl, who was mid yawn when they all looked at her.

"You should get to sleep Cheryl, we can all talk tomorrow" Betty suggested and showed Cheryl a bunch of things they'd gotten for her to stay there. "Okay, goodnight guys" Cheryl yawned again, hugging Betty and Jughead, then Toni. "Thank you Toni, so much" she said in her ear as they hugged for longer than everyone else.


Cheryl was restless in the middle of the night. She almost felt guilty about it, she finally got what she wanted and couldn't bring herself to take it.

After an hour of tossing and turning, she got up to get some water, but as soon as she opened the door she heard snoring. She halted her steps as soon as she heard the soft noise. She knew it wasn't Jughead or Betty, it was so familiar to her. They were the snores that drew her to sleep for almost a year, and she could cry of joy hearing them now.

But why was she on the couch? Cheryl quietly moved to look at the sleeping girl. Cheryl wanted to take a mental image of exactly what Toni looked like right now. The girl was clad in a white button-up shirt with a blanket covering her up to her waist. Her hair was in a bun, small strands of what was left of her pink hair strewn around her face. Flashes from Friends playing on the TV flashed upon her face, allowing Cheryl to get a good look.

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