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A/N: POV change to third person, hope you guys like the time skip :/

It had been six years since Cheryl was forced out of Riverdale, and left the love of her life. Her mother and Uncle Claudius, who was really just her father, had join the mobster family that was the Lodges. To make matters worse, to officially prove the union of the families, Veronica and Cheryl got married.

At age 18, Cheryl was in a business marriage, and apparently useless to anyone around her. She was miserable for all of her time in New York. At first Veronica had tried to be her friend, but Cheryl ignored her until the girl gave up. But that didn't stop her from bringing her good old friend Nick St. Clair around, who constantly made passes at Cheryl, and even took advantage of her plenty of times.

She wasn't allowed to have a phone and was to go anywhere Veronica wanted to to hold up their families' images.


Toni, on the other hand, slipped into a state of no emotion for the rest of her high school experience, and didn't dare look at anyone romantically since Cheryl, whom she still had at least a little bit of hope for. Her heart was still delicate, and her friends knew that.

The whole gang kind of gave up parties after Cheryl. If they did go out, it was to the Wyrm, and she just worked to avoid joining everyone. Veronica had gotten everyone with her good girl act, especially Archie and Sweet Pea, who filled with anger every time the Lodge family was mentioned.

By the year 2026 (6 years after Cheryl left), Toni was an extremely successful lawyer, who prided herself on putting away anyone who tried to make the world worse for kids who grew up in gangs, she understood how hard it was.

She was rich, and used the money to fix the south side after Hiram ruined it. She bought back Sunnyside Trailer Park, and constantly flew down to Riverdale to enforce the law on the prison he'd built. You could say that Toni and Hiram were enemies. She even got some of his mobster pals close to life sentences.


By 2026, Cheryl had a phone, and could go where she wanted, but still had to go places with Veronica when she wanted to go somewhere. It was repulsive, having to hold the girls hand, and let her touch her in public, knowing she'd have to face her mother and the Lodge's if she didn't.

She knows what Toni does, and she couldn't be more proud of the girl. She never saw her as the law type, but when she found out everything she did, it seemed perfectly fitting for the girl. She misses Toni with all of her heart, the only person who had ever made her feel loved.

Little did she know, Toni had been forming a plan for a while. She kept tabs on Hiram, and everyone around him. She had an insider, who goes by the name of Archie Andrews. An unlikely duo, but Archie is FBI, and had a history with the Lodges. So he brought it to the FBI, and they let him make a team.

Jughead is a journalist with Betty, and they cover all things New York City, and around the world. Sweet Pea works with Toni at her law firm, he doesn't have a degree, and he doesn't really do anything, but Toni pays him anyway.

Fangs is a cop, he decided to be one after he was shot, and he wanted to defend people from exactly what happened to him. Kevin and Fangs try to work out the long distance from New York, but they struggle a lot.

He's the only one of them back in Riverdale, everyone else made it out, but he chose to stay. Josie and the pussycats play the same club every night, but haven't quite made it yet.


"Fuck!" Toni screams from the kitchen, getting up from her seat and kicking the table. She's had serious anger issues since Cheryl left but Betty has learned how to deal with them The pair have grown close, as Betty had been there for Toni since Cheryl.

They live together, with Jughead of course, in an apartment across from Josie and her gang and Kevin. Sweet Pea and Archie shared an apartment, until Archie went undercover for the Hiram case.

Betty ran into the kitchen, and grabbed Toni's hand before she threw a glass plate on the floor. She guided her to the couch and grabbed her computer along whatever she'd been working on. "What happened" she asked the pink haired girl, who had her hand on her head, and was looking at the floor.

The girl just silently pointed to the computer, and Betty followed her finger to read it. The headline read 'Mobster killed and thrown into the Hudson, police are investigating' Betty sighed and rubbed circles in Toni's back.

This happened a lot to the poor girl, she would follow someone for months after evidence led to them, gain intel on them, and then they'd be killed when she was on the edge of finding good evidence against Hiram. On top of all that, Toni still did all over other cases. She was constantly drowning in work, usually up until 4am and out at 6.

When she decided to have a social life, also known as being dragged out by Betty and Jughead, she got too drunk to function, and was carried home.

Toni suddenly got up and stomped around, rifling through papers and then slamming them around until she just stopped after a particularly large bang. Betty watched tentatively from a distance as the girl walked over to Betty, grabbed her computer, and left to her bedroom.

Toni had never been the same since Cheryl left. She busied herself with work, not bothering with anything else. She worked and worked, until she got to half of her college fees, and her mother helped her pay.

Nowadays, she works even more. She's passionate about her work, but Betty and most of the others think it's unhealthy. The only real reason Sweet Pea works with her is because he wants to make sure she doesn't work herself to death.

Sometimes the girl sleeps on a couch in her office, gets up and works the whole day after. It's unhealthy, and everyone knows the reason why. Cheryl Blossom. But what can they do? Cheryl doesn't even run her own social media account. There's know way to reach her.

Knowing this makes Toni put herself into overdrive, she needs Cheryl back, as the love of her life, or just a friend. She needs the girl free from her 'family', and she won't stop until she gets what she wants.

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