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It took Betty a few days to notice, but when she did it was very clear to her. Cheryl and Toni had been close since Cheryl came to live with them, but this was to the extreme.

Their 'innocent' touches lingered for much longer than usual, like Toni's arm around Cheryl for hours at a time. And Cheryl's eyes on Toni's lips every time the girl spoke, losing focus in the conversation all together while watching her speak.

When Betty realized, she knew there were definitely feelings. Toni and Cheryl went to the movies almost every weekend, and they shared a goddamn bed.

Hmm. The bed. Betty thought to herself. Maybe if she asked one of them about it she could get some info for herself. She figured she could ask Cheryl, since she was getting lunch with her this afternoon.

She knew that Cheryl hadn't slept in her bed for months, opting to sneak her way into Toni's room instead.


Later that day, Betty was on her way to meet Cheryl, walking past Toni's work, when she saw the redhead leaving the office. She rolled her eyes. Really? They made it to easy.

She watched Toni walk Cheryl out and wave her off before Cheryl disappeared in a crowd of people. Betty wondered if they were dating on the down low. No, right? They would've kissed goodbye and they wouldn't be able to hide it anyway.

Betty guessed that both girls liked each other, but neither knew and both were nervous about it. So she'd find out about how Cheryl felt, even though she already knew about what she told Jughead.


Sitting down to wait for Betty, Cheryl was reveling in her last interaction with Toni.

Cheryl had shown up at the girls office unannounced with lunch for her, because she knew she wouldn't eat it on her own. It was already 1 o'clock, and the girl would probably still be deep in whatever work she was in. She was right, but when Toni looked up to see Cheryl she smiled and stopped. It made Cheryl happy to know that she had that affect on the hard working girl, she knew nobody else did.

Interrupting her thoughts, however, Betty plopped into the seat across from her. "Hey Cheryl" she smiled and picked up her menu. "Hey Betty what have you been doing today?" Cheryl asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Nothing just worked on a few articles with Jug and walked past Toni's work to get here." Betty answered and saw Cheryl smile at Toni's name.

"Oh I️ was just with Toni!" Cheryl said realizing what Betty had said. Betty nodded, "cool, so how do you like the apartment? Is your bed comfy and all that?" She pried.

"Uhhh yea it is" Cheryl stuttered, "But I️ usually sleep in Toni's room anyway." She stated with a blush and a nervous look on her face.

"Oh" Betty said, feigning surprise, "okay, but why not your room?" She asked, genuinely curious about Cheryl's feelings. "Umm I'm not really sure." Cheryl nervously said, playing with her fingers instead of focusing on Betty.

Sensing the girls nerves, Betty toned it down. "Cheryl it's okay, I️ was just curious is all." She reassured her that she didn't have a problem with it. Cheryl nodded and looked up at Betty, "I️ think it's for comfort you know? It's like where I'm- I'm safe." She said, trying her best to say her feelings.

"Like when I️ moved in with Toni in high school I️ immediately shared a bed with her, and jumping right back into that just seemed so, so- I️ don't know right?" She said as if she was figuring it out for herself. Betty reached across the table to touch Cheryl's hand. "Do you think you like her again? You know like still feel things for her?" She asked, shrugging.

"Yea Betty I️ think I️ do" Cheryl sighed and out her head in her hands. Betty knew she was scared and nervous about it, but she also knew that Toni probably felt the same way.


Meanwhile, Toni was still at her office when she got a phone call from an unknown number. "Hello?" She questioned, picking up the phone. "Toni? It's me Veronica. I️ want to help you, I️ need to get out of here too." The other side answered, frantic and out of breath.

Toni wasn't sure how Cheryl would feel about it, but she knew that as herself she was not a fan of the girl. But the lawyer side of her knew the girl needed help. Maybe she was trapped like Cheryl and just handled it different.

"Okay give me everything you have and I'll see what I️ can do" Toni confirmed, knowing she could get the Lodges and Blossoms with Veronica's help.

Toni kept note after note on what Veronica had, it was very extensive information from the inside. Veronica was still going though "The last thing is drugs. From some other country. Umm and" "Wait!" Toni interrupted. "Drugs from out of this country? No license?"she asked.

"Yes and yes." Veronica confirmed, "should I️ take pictures and send them to you?" She asked Toni, who replied with "absolutely."

It turns out, these drugs were bought by the Lodges and sold into Riverdale prison by the Blossoms.

Naturally, Toni immediately got to work on serving them with detailed sentences and called some of the best defense lawyers in New York to make sure they wouldn't get out if it.

So before she knew it, it was 1 in the morning and the phone was ringing again. "Hello?" Toni answered and was met with a sleepy, angry redhead "Toni where are you? It's 1am you should get out of work." She said angrily, directly into the phone causing it to be loud in Toni's ear.

She flinched away from the receiver. "I'm sorry Cherry I'll be here until around 2. I'll be hope as soon as possible though, it's an important case! Goodnight I'll see you tomorrow" She assured the girl, and got back to work.

By 2, she was on her way home with some good papers being served by a lawyer she was good friends with, and trusted to get the case done well.

She opened her apartment door to be met with complete darkness, and heading to the door of her room, she was met with snores. Toni quickly changed into her pajamas and put her work stuff away.

She crawled into bed and wrapped her arms around a sleeping Cheryl, finally giving her mind a break from her work with the comfort of Cheryl's soft snores.

However she was afraid the girl would be angry at her for helping Veronica, the girl was the devil to her for years of her life and would not be forgiven anytime soon. But she knew the girl wasn't all bad, maybe 98% but there had to be some good in her if she signed the divorce and turned her parents in.

However Toni didn't have time to explain herself, as the headlines the next morning were everywhere in every newspaper.

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