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Toni watched as the room tensed, Cheryl and her mother maintaining fierce eye contact.

"Mother." Cheryl said to the woman as she sat down, picking up the phone. "Cheryl." The woman in her orange pantsuit said back with a daring look.

"You know what's funny?" Cheryl said to her mother, briefly glancing to her father. "I️ finally don't have to deal with you anymore." Cheryl looked around and then continued, "I️ thought about Jason the other day." She said, watching her father tense.

"And I️ thought about what he'd want me to say to you guys. So here goes nothing. I️ just wanted to tell you how glad I️ am that I'll never see your face again. And that you'll rot in here for the rest of your life with no visitors at all."

"Oh Cheryl" her mother started, "what makes you think we-" "Shut up." Cheryl interrupted her. "After all those years of you talking it's my turn."

"So I'm simply here to let you know how my life will go." She started again, "I'm gonna get married. To a girl that I️ love, and who cared about me enough to save me from you. Twice. And then I'll have kids, ones that you'll never get to meet, and I'll tell them how terrible you were."

"Still stuck on that Serpent girl are you?" Penelope attempted at a sharp tone.

"Yea. Maybe because she's the love of my life. I️ see you're still on that same husband who killed his own son huh?." Cheryl got up now.

"Anyways have fun rotting in here, dreaming about the grandkids you'll never be able to meet. Rot in hell!" She exclaimed on her way out, leaving her parents in a very internalized feeling of guilt.

Toni opened the door for Cheryl and yelled "fuck you!" To Cheryl's parents.

She turned around to Cheryl, having heard everything she said to her parents, and said "So the love of your life huh?" She raised an eyebrow and Cheryl looked directly at her, "Absolutely" the girl said, leaning in and kissing Toni like she had wanted to for months.

Toni hit the back of the wall with the force of Cheryl's body hitting hers, but recovered by wrapping her arms around Cheryl's neck and into the girls hair. Cheryl's hands were wrapped around Toni's waist as the girls essentially made out in a prison.

Cheryl pulled back after what seemed like too long for a public place. "For the record" Toni caught her breath, playing with the hair behind Cheryl's neck, "you're the love of my life too."

Cheryl smiled and looked into Toni's shining eyes, "Well I️ sure hope so or this would be kind of awkward huh?" Toni smiled in response and leaned up to peck Cheryl's lips again.

"Let's get out of here" Toni suggested and Cheryl agreed, grabbing her hand and walking out of the prison for the very last time.


Later when the girls were walking past Jughead and Betty's apartment they heard screams, and opening the door, they found Kevin jumping around showing everyone his engagement ring.

"Cheryl!" He yelled when he saw her, "look I'm engaged!" She laughed, taking his hand to look at nonetheless, and said "I️ already knew that Kev."

"So what!" Kevin yelled, "nobody thought to give me a little warning here!" And the room erupted in laughter at him.

Toni moved across the room to chat with Sweet Pea and Fangs about Fangs' engagement, excited that he was going to be in New York with them.

Cheryl was in a conversation with Kevin, but could barely concentrate on what he was saying, as she was distracted by Toni across the room.

"Cheryl are you even listening to me?" Kevin asked, following her eyes to find Toni "Oh." He smirked, "so Choni is back huh?"

Cheryl's eyes snapped to his "No why would you think that?" She asked him, and he rolled his eyes. "As if I️ wouldn't know."

"Whatever Kevin" Cheryl said and moved along to find Toni.

After 15 minutes of looking, she gave up and settled on talking with Betty because she lost Jughead as well.

The girls were talking about Veronica when a strong smell blew into the room. "Oh hell no" Betty said, angrily. "I️ knew I️ shouldn't have let Sweet Pea in here without checking his pockets." She said and rushed off.

"Cheryl!" She heard a familiar voice yell, and turned around to smell exactly what made the girl yell. She got up in time to catch her from falling on her face over a chair.

Sighing, she asked "What did you do to her?" To Sweet Pea, who responded with "we smoked just a little." And Cheryl rolled her eyes. She actually wanted to talk to the girl and now she'd have to wait for her to calm down.

"You're cold." She pointed out to Toni, who nodded. "It's snowing out there" She pointed to the window.

"Okay let's sit down." Cheryl suggested to Toni, pushing her along with her hands on her waist to guide her. She helped the girl get onto a chair near everyone else, and joined the conversation while Toni distractedly looked around.

Eventually Betty pointed to Toni, who was leaning against Cheryl's chest on her stool with her eyes closed. Cheryl moved hair out of the girls face and nodded to Betty, mouthing "she's asleep" and Sweet Pea helped Cheryl get her on the couch.

Everyone except Toni was now playing a big game of cards with a pile of cash in the middle of the table. Cheryl was winning, and people were taking bets on who would win between her and Jughead.

Cheryl sighed, to fake that she thought she would lose, when in reality she had the exact cards she needed. Jughead raised his eyebrows and put his cards down, going all in.

Cheryl gave him an evil smirk, putting her cards down and hearing cheers behind her. "Well thanks for the money guys" she smiled and everyone rolled their eyes.

"Shouldn't you wake up your girl Tiny over there?" Sweet Pea suggested and Cheryl nodded. "Yea I️ will" Cheryl agreed, realizing it was only 11.

Cheryl walked over to where Toni was asleep under the blanket Cheryl had put on her. Toni was on her back on the couch, and Cheryl shook her slightly on the shoulder to wake her.

Toni's eyes fluttered open and a small toothless smile crept on to her face. "Good morning" Cheryl laughed at the dazed girl.

"Ugh What year is it" Toni sat up and felt a pain in her head and Cheryl helped her sit up. "You got high with Sweets" Cheryl explained and Toni groaned.

Cheryl climbed onto the couch with Toni, fixing her hair, causing her face to be close to Toni's. Taking advantage of it, Toni but a hand on the back of Cheryl's neck .

"Toni, no" she whispered right before Toni pulled her lips onto hers. Little did they know, all of their friends were watching them from the kitchen.

Cheryl pulled herself out of Toni's grip, slightly out of breath and said "why'd you do that" and Toni shrugged, "Cuz I️ like you" she said and leaned in again.

Toni sat up and pulled the girl fully into her lap, causing Cheryl to gasp into her mouth. Cheryl wrapped her arms around Toni's neck and Toni placed her arms around Cheryl's body.

The next morning, the girls woke up to Kevin taking pictures of them sleeping. Cheryl was completely on top of Toni and her hair was thrown about. When Toni noticed this, she wrapped it up in a bun for the girl and slid out from under her, leaving her a kiss on the cheek as she left her to sleep.

"That's so gay." Kevin whispered in awe after Toni, and the girl laughed at his weird comment. "You bet your ass it is Kev" she yelled from the kitchen.

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