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"Okay good morning ladies!" Kevin yelled into Toni and Cheryl's apartment, opening the door to see Toni with her tongue down Cheryl's throat and her hands on Cheryl's ass.

The two girls pulled away and Toni wiped her lip while laughing when Kevin sat across from them on a stool. "You didn't wanna eat breakfast first?" He joked and Toni smirked.

"That was my-" "Don't you dare say that I'm you're breakfast." Cheryl interrupted by putting her hand over the girls mouth.

"So how can we help you Kev?" Cheryl asked the boy, sliding off the counter and leaning her body into Toni's.

"Well I'm planning a vacation." Kevin said, folding his hands on the counter with a cheesy smile. "And everyone is coming and we want you to be there!"

"Cool" Toni agreed instantly, " when and where?" Kevin smiled, "Well it will be in a resort in Mexico." He said, "But there's a really cheap flight in two days so we want to leave then." He tried to be convincing on the late notice.

"I️ think we can swing that we just need to do some shopping right Cher?" Toni asked, turning around and putting her hands on her hips to get her attention and the girl just nodded, putting on a smile for Toni.

"Okay Kev we'll catch up with you later about paying and all that." Toni said and Kevin got up to the door "I'll see you guys later!" He said as he closed it.

Cheryl moved away from Toni as soon as the door closed. Toni knew what was coming "what's wrong cherry?" She asked, not moving her hands away even after Cheryl tried to move.

"You know what's wrong." Cheryl sighed, and being trapped in Toni's arms, she rested her head on Toni's shoulder.

"Che I️ want you to enjoy yourself, I️ couldn't care less about how much it costs, it's worth it if it's on you. And you can find some kind of way to pay me back if you really want to." Toni said, not backing down because she really didn't think it mattered that much.

"Let's eat and we can shop later okay?" Toni suggested "and you don't worry about the money because I️ saved it for you" Toni said, reassuring Cheryl again by placing a hand on her cheek.


Two days later, Toni was checking and double checking that they had everything they needed before waking Cheryl up to go. It was 6 in the morning and they were meeting Kevin and everyone at 6:30 for an 8:15 flight. 

Toni put all of their suitcases by the door and made Cheryl breakfast before going to wake the girl up, knowing that it might take a while. 

Toni gently tapped Cheryl's cheek a few times, taking in the red hair sprawled out across both Cheryl and her pillow. Cheryl's eyes fluttered open and Toni watched as her eyes fully adjusted and a smile grew on her face when she saw Toni. 

"Morning" Toni said, "it's time to go" and Cheryl shook her head, wrapping her arms around Toni's neck and pulling her onto the bed whilst chanting "NO". 

"Umm yes." Toni said, struggling to get out of Cheryl's grip and laughing. She kissed Cheryl's nose and quickly jumped out of the bed. Throwing her clothes at her, Toni told her do get dressed.

Toni waited in the kitchen until she saw Cheryl dressed in her sweatpants with a black t-shirt and sunglasses. She walked right past Toni until she was stopped with a coffee. 

She let a small smile grace her lips before taking a sip, noticing that Toni knew how she liked her coffee. 

She put the cup down and reached out for her breakfast, but was stopped by a hand on her chest. She looked to Toni, who just pulled her in for a strong, long kiss. 

Toni pulled away when her phone rang and Cheryl whined. "I thought that might wake you up" she winked while Kevin told her they were leaving. 


Hours later, Toni was carrying Cheryl off the plane in Mexico. 

She was talking to Fangs, who was holding Kevin in his arms, when she heard mumbling in her ear. She looked to Fangs and pointed to Cheryl. He nodded and Toni turned her head to look at Cheryl. 

"Hey" Toni said and felt Cheryl stretching out her arms. "You want me to put you down?" Toni asked and Cheryl shook her head into her neck. 

"Okay" Toni laughed, and carried Cheryl until she absolutely had do put her down at customs. 

The two girls held hands and rolled their suitcases behind them. They stopped behind the rest of their friends and Toni gasped. "It's so beautiful" she smiled. 

"Not as beautiful as you" Cheryl said back and kissed Toni's cheek as they headed off to their resort. 

A/N: Hey! So sorry this is superrrr short, but I just didn't really know where this story was going, and I started another Choni story!! I'm planning on finishing it before I publish it so it isn't messy like this one. Thx!

Also 10k reads!! wow thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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