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A few weeks after Toni and Cheryl had visited the prison, Toni was finally working up the nerve to actually ask the girl out on a proper date. She was leaving work in a few minutes to meet the girl at their apartment.

On her way home she thought of places to go, but then realized Cheryl would probably like something simple. And upon realizing the perfect spot, she smiled, realizing how perfect it was for Cheryl.


"I'm home!" Toni yelled into the apartment when she opened the door. "Hey!" Cheryl smiled, poking her head out from the kitchen to see Toni.

"Watcha doin?" Toni asked, hopping up on the counter next to Cheryl and looking at her computer.

"Job searching" Cheryl said with a sigh. Toni shook her head, the girl works to hard looking for a job she doesn't even want.

She nudged the girls face to look at her "I️ told you I️ can give you a job or you could ask Jughead and Betty to help them with their articles and they'll pay you. Do you even know what you want to do?"

Cheryl slammed her computer shut "No!" She yelled, frustrated about all of it. "I️ don't want to keep using your money all the time but I️ have no idea what I️ want to do Toni!" She said in a gentler tone, leaning into Toni's hand on her cheek.

"That's nothing we can't figure out Cher." Toni assured her with a kiss on the cheek "But in the meantime would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" She said shyly, looking to Cheryl for answer.

"I'd love to, T." Cheryl smiled and blushed herself. "Great we'll leave at like 7:30?" Toni said, realizing it was almost 7 now.

Cheryl nodded and walked toward her room to get herself ready. She felt nerves like she did the first time she spent the night with Toni, or the first time they kissed and she knew the girl would be different than anyone else she'd kiss.

She shivered at the thought of her and Toni in high school, reminiscing in the time that she didn't care about her mother anymore and her only concern was Toni, all the time. She realized she was getting back into that state of mind.


Cheryl left her room to find Toni in casual ripped jeans with a blue t-shirt and converse to top it all off. "Y'look nice Cher" Toni said to Cheryl, putting her phone in her back pocket.

Cheryl shrugged, looking at her jean skirt and white t-shirt with a shrug. "You look better but I'll allow it" Cheryl teased, and Toni joked back, saying "I'm honored."

"Whatever Topaz, where are we going" Cheryl questioned, walking out the door and causing Toni to rush after her, with an endeared smile of course.

Toni led Cheryl on a walk to one of her favorite restaurants in the city. It was a relaxed pizza place with pool tables and a subtle arcade, but it reminded her of the White Wyrm back in Riverdale.

The girls filled the silence of their walk with small conversation about their day and whatever came to their minds.

Toni walked into the restaurant and was immediately recognized by plenty of regulars, calling out her name and challenging her to pool.

"Hey Mo" Toni said to the owner and ordered her and Cheryl's food. "Who's this?" Mo asked, motioning to Cheryl and Toni smiled.

"This is just a very good friend of mine Mo, thanks." Toni said slipping him a 50 even though the price was well under 30. "Toni no take this back." He tried to argue, but Toni pulled Cheryl away.

"So what do you want to play?" Toni asked Cheryl, pulling her to the arcade games. "Pac Man." Cheryl said immediately, "it was J.J.'s favorite." She explained and Toni nodded.

"Well let's beat this record for him." Toni said and pointed to number 1. "Toni that says TT on it, it's clearly yours." Cheryl shook her head at the girl.

"Yea so see if you can beat it then." Toni challenged, raising an eyebrow at Cheryl.

Almost 2 hours later, the girls had played a lot of Pac Man, but Cheryl still hadn't beaten the score. They ate their pizza and played pool, Toni having to re-teach Cheryl since high school, and Cheryl using it as an excuse for Toni's arms to be around her. But now they were back at Pac Man.

"Cheryl give me a turn." Toni tried to push her off the stool and Cheryl shook her head as if to say "hell no". "Pleeeaase Cheryl give me a try!" Toni whined, touching her cheek to Cheryl's.

"Fine!" Cheryl gave in, but pushed Toni off of her "but stop it's distracting me I️ wanna win."

Toni backed off until her turn, but she knew she would beat the score and totally piss Cheryl off.

"Fuck!" Toni heard Cheryl yell when she died, and she pulled the girl off the game so she could show her how good she was at the game.

30 minutes later, Toni had beat the 2nd and 3rd place, which had pissed Cheryl off. But now Toni was points away from beating herself at number 1, and Cheryl was doing everything she could to stop her from winning.

Finally Toni beat the score by only a few points and turned around in her chair. "I️ hate you." Cheryl said, mad that she couldn't win. "That's okay" Toni shrugged, "I️ don't believe you and you don't have to be good at Pac Man, that's for me."

"Whatever" Cheryl rolled her eyes and looked at the time. "You wanna leave or do you want me to help you win?" Toni teased as Cheryl's eyes shit up to hers.

Toni moved the stool and had Cheryl stand up, while she was behind her basically steering the whole thing, but making Cheryl believe she was winning. After 5 tries, and more stubbornness from Cheryl, who thought she could win on her own, Toni helped the girl get first and put the initials B.M.G.F.

Cheryl looked at her confused, "What does that mean?" She asked, "why didn't you put my name I️ won." Toni ignored her persistent questioning and grabbed her hand.

"Be my girlfriend." Toni told Cheryl, "That's what it means Cher I️ want you to be my girlfriend." Toni finished, effectively stunning Cheryl, who, once she realized what Toni asked her, immediately said "Yes!" And sprung into Toni's arms.

Toni caught the girl, hitting the side of the Pac Man box, but holding the girl anyway.

"Asking me on the first date though?" Cheryl teased, "that's pretty ballsy T." Toni rolled her eyes, "This is far from our first date Cher, you know that." She smiled, happy that she finally had Cheryl back.

"Lets head out then?" Toni asked after a few moments of intense eye contact between them, and Cheryl nodded. She took the girl's hand and led her out the door.

Cheryl walked with her hand in Toni's, taking in the silence but also thinking. She was ecstatic to be Toni's again, and nothing could possibly ruin it for her.

"What are you thinking?" Toni asked her and Cheryl just turned her head to the side to look at Toni. "Just how much I️ missed having you." She answered honestly and Toni smiled.

"I️ missed you tons also Blossom, don't doubt that for a second." Toni said, pulling Cheryl closer to her by separating their hands and wrapping her arm around Cheryl's waist.


When the girls got home, the tension they felt all night was released into the room. Almost instantly after the door shut, Cheryl's hands were all in Toni's hair, and their tongues were battling for dominance over one another.

Eventually Cheryl gave in, letting Toni guide her to the couch behind them and sat in the girls body. Toni's lips met her neck, covering it up and down in kisses and bruises.

But Toni pulled away just as fast as they'd ended up in the couch. "As much as I️ love this, we should stop." Toni said begrudgingly, not wanting to take her lips of Cheryl's neck, but knowing it was important to. 

"Let's go to bed, girlfriend" Cheryl smirked, also begrudgingly pulling herself away from Toni's addictive touch.

"Yea lets" Toni smirked back and kissed Cheryl's cheek on her way to bed.

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