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The next day Toni was moving her stuff to her new apartment, Cheryl's too of course, when Jughead asked her what she was doing yesterday. "I don't know really. We went to get food and clothes for Cheryl and then we ended up walking around the city until kinda z nit was dark."

"Sounds pretty cliche to me" Jughead said and grabbed another box to bring down the hallway to Toni's, "Shut up" Toni pushed him out the door, and then followed him to the hall.

Cheryl and Betty were still asleep when Toni and Jughead decided to start the move. They had a feeling the girls wouldn't like to be up at 9:30 in the morning, and they were right. Cheryl and Betty woke up at almost noon, and were talking when Jughead and Toni came back in for more boxes.

"Wow Toni, would you look at who decided to join us on this lovely Saturday!" Jughead joked, nudging Toni. "Would you look at that! And here I thought you both died in your sleep." Toni joked back.

"Whatever" Cheryl rolled her eyes. "I only have like half a box anyway." "Not after all those clothes were you got yesterday" Betty owed Cheryl, "hey how'd you get all those anyway?" Jughead pried. "Ask max-a-million over there" Cheryl pointed to Toni, eyes accusing.

"Really Cheryl?" Toni whined, "I told you I don't care." "Oh well" Cheryl shrugged, grabbing her box and carrying it down the hall. Cheryl laughed when she saw the state of the apartment, and Toni followed in behind her. "What's funny?" She asked Cheryl, who smiled. "I didn't know you kept every flannel you've ever owned, that's all." She teased.

"Whatever." Toni rolled her eyes, "I recall you liking my 'flannel-mesh aesthetic' but that's just me." Toni teased her back. "Oh I definitely did, Topaz. Not my fault they suit you better than anyone else on this earth" Cheryl shrugged, shamelessly flirting with the girl, and neither one caring.

Cheryl carried her box to her room, and unpacked her new clothes into their new drawers. She inspected the rest of the apartment, enjoying the fact that Toni's room was right across the hall from hers. The hallway was short, only consisting of the two rooms, and the rest of the apartment was basically open in a living room and kitchen.

Cheryl looked into the living room to find even more of a flannel mess, and her jaw dropped. She couldn't help but organize them into piles. By the time Jughead and Toni had finished maneuvering the fridge into the apartment, Cheryl had organized Toni's mess, and Betty had folded up all of the boxes.

Once they put down the fridge, Toni walked into the living room and pointed at her organized items, "I was gonna do that" she said and Cheryl couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Betty, causing the two girls to break into laughter.

Toni threw her hands up at Jughead, who also had a small smile on his face, "were you really gonna organize that?" he crossed his arms and lent his body against the frame of the kitchen wall. "Whatever"Toni sighed, picking up some of her clothes and bringing them to her room, the rest of her friends laughing behind her.


"Finally finished?" Jughead asked Toni when she finally emerged from her new room. Toni spun in a circle and landed on an armchair. "Yes sir" she saluted with a smile, as Cheryl watched from next to Betty on the couch.

"Do you guys want to get some dinner?" Toni asked, having already eaten lunch with Jughead, and the other girls woke up late enough to call breakfast lunch. Jughead checked his watch and shook his head, "Actually Betts and I have a reservation in about 30 minutes, so we should go." he said ruffling Betty's blonde hair and watching her squirm while she put it back into place.

"Okay bye then" Toni said and Cheryl waved as they left.

Toni jumped on the couch next to Cheryl, startling her. Toni laughed and patted her hand, and Cheryl looked down at it, feeling the touch long after it was gone "Sorry" she smiled. "So do you wanna go get some dinner? I know a cool place down the street." Toni suggested, cocking her head in the direction that Cheryl assumed was the restaurant.

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