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We were apparently in the time of year called summer. I didn't know exactly what that meant, but I knew that it meant the weather was hotter and there were more bugs. I liked some bugs like snails and slugs and ants, but I didn't like bees or biter bugs. 

A lot of the time durng this summer my mum made me play outside in the backyard. Sometimes it was fun, but sometimes the biter bugs came for me. I usually always came back into the house covered in little bumps from them. They always made me really itchy. 

After playing outside in the sun I ran back in to meet my mother. "Oh Zoe, you're covered in bumps," she said picking me up and stroking my burning skin. "Come up to my room, I have some lotion that can help you." 

I took her hand and followed it into her room. I always loved my mum's room. It smelled of her scent and it was beautiful. Everything was clean and neat and I just liked it so much. She instructed me to sit on the couch and I plopped down as I was told to. 

I waited there for a little bit before my mum came back from her bathroom with a bottle of bright pink lotion. I was wary of it, as I always was of bright colours. In one of my picture books there was a frog that was a really bright blue and they said bright colours were bad so I always stayed away. I didn't think I could stay away from this lotion though. 

"Just sit there and I'll help you rub it in," my mum said softly, squirting the pink lotion onto her hands. She put some of it on my back after lifting up my shirt. I flinched when she first put it on, it was so cold. 

"Mum, it's cold!" I said in a whining tone. My mummy said I was the best person she new at whining. She started to rub in the lotion more though and it began to heat up a bit more due to the warmth of her hands.

I started to close my eyes as the relief of the cooling lotion chilled my skin. I felt relief and it was the best feeling I had ever felt in my entire life. Better than blowing out your birthday candles and making a wish. 

"Zoe honey, there's something I have to talk to you about," she said softly as she continued to rub this miracle stuff into my body. 

"What's about mummy?" I asked keeping my eyes closed. 

"You know it's summer right? What season comes after this one?" she asked with a little laugh. 

"Everyone knows the holiday season. Scary holiday and present holiday!" The holiday season was my most favouritest season of the entire year. 

"That's right," my mum said laughing again. "Something else happens in the holiday season though. It's when all the children go to school!" 

"School?" I asked. I had seen school in my picture books but I thought it was only for old kids who were teenagers. 

"Yes, school. This year during the holiday season you're going to go to school. You're going to be what they're called year one." I flipped around onto my stomach so she could rub the lotion into my front and so I could see her. 

I had a lot of questions about this school thing. 

"When is it? What do we do? Do I have to go? Are you coming too?" I had even more questions, but I kept them on the inside, I would ask the deeper questions like what's the point, later. 

"Well it started on September 1, you learn how to read and count, yes you have to go, and no I don't go to school with you, you go all on your own!" my mum said with a smile. 

I guess this school thing meant that I was growing up. The only thing was I didn't want to. "Let's stay little kids forever," I whispered to Alice. She just nodded back to me in agreement. 


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