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"Zoe, you have to come out for dinner," my mum said knocking gently on my door. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. She was right I couldn't stay in here forever. I walked over to the door and opened it with a sniffle. "May I come in?" she asked. I nodded and she followed me over to my bed. 

I rested my head in her lap and didn't say anything. "What's wrong darling?" my mother asked, but I didn't answer. I didn't feel like talking, there wasn't a point in telling her what happened because it wasn't going to change the fact that it still happened.

I mumbled that it didn't matter and just laid there, letting her stroke my hair. After a while we both got up and walked to the dining room table where my dad and brother, Joe, where already seated waiting for us. I ignored by dad when he asked why my eyes were all red and jokingly asked if I'd been smoking pot. My mum gave him the look and everyone stopped talking. 

Joe, who was the normally the chattervox of the family, looked at me and then at my mother and didn't say a word all of dinner. It was odd, a silent dinner in the Sugg household. I knew it was all because of me, and if I just said something we could stop the silence and talk, but I just didn't feel like it. 

Once I had finished eating I finally did speak. "Dinner was delicious, thank you," before retreating back to my room again. 

Thank goodness it was winter break, because the next morning my eyes were so puffy I could hardly see out of them. I could never have gone to school looking like this. I was already the nerd and the try-hard. If I had puffy red eyes it would just give everyone another reason to laugh at me. 

My mum walked in when she realised I was awake and asked me if I wanted to go makeup shopping with her. "Okay," I croaked. I didn't say much on the outside, but I was really excited to go shopping for more makeup. 

I scraped my hair up into a messy bun and pulled on some sweats and a baggy t-shirt. I didn't care if I looked like crap, I was going to buy myself some makeup and some ice cream to drown my sorrows in. 

On the car ride to Boots, my mum didn't say much so I don't know why all of a sudden I opened my mouth and started telling her everything that had happened with the jerko boys and Alfie. She listened and didn't say anything until I had finished talking. 

"Secondary school is hard. Boys are dumb. Everyone's mean. I'm not going to tell you anything you don't know or lie to you, it's the truth. The strongest people like you little munchkin are able to get through it though. I know you'll be able to get through this." She smiled at me as we parked and rubbed my thigh in a motherly manner. 

"Can I see a therapist?" I asked suddenly as she turned the car off. I thought she was going to get mad and deny me of what I wanted right away but she smiled at me yet again. 

"Of course you can baby," she said softly as we got out to do our spontaneous makeup shopping. 


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