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Every single day the rest of the summer I was getting more and more nervous for school. I didn't like talking to other children and from the sound of this school thing there would be a lot fo talking to other kids. 

Finally the dreaded day arrived. My mum helped me pick out my outfit. I was going to be wearing a pretty pale violet dress with my argyle, thick tights. My mum had even got me as a present my very own pair of mary janes. That was the only thing I was excited about for the day to come, being able to wear my brand new shiny shoes. 

When I woke up I just stayed in bed and didn't get out until my mum came in and practically forced me to. She helped me put my dress on, but I insisted on putting on my mary janes myself. They fit perfectly and I couldn't help but smile as I put them on. 

Mum had made me a special breakfast to try and cheer me up at the prospects of going to school. I ate it quickly and then we were in the car. To me. it didn't seem like we were in the car for very long. We were at school right away and I didn't like it at all. 

My mum got out of the car with me and walked me into the building. It was one of the largest building I had ever seen in my life and it was so frightning. There were about ten or fifteen kids walking around everywhere. 

We walked together into the office where we found out where room 24, my room was located. The nice office lady smiled at me and told me she could walk me down there. My mum started to get teary eyed as she hugged me. That frightened me even more, why was this something to cry about? 

I followed the women down to the end of a long hallway where I was sent into a room with a few kids in there and a tall, young women with red hair. I loved red hair and I instantly fell in love with her. The office women left and the red-headed women who was my teacher came up and talked to me. 

"Hello, I'm Ms. Elizabeth," she said in a voice that sounded as rich as honey. 

"That's my middle name!" I said loudly with a smile. The day suddenly felt like it was going to be better than I had previously thought. 

Ms. Elizabeth talked to me for a little bit and showed me where my desk was. It was over in the corner by the window and I really liked it. It wasn't too close to any other kids and I had a really good view of the garden out in the playground. 

The first part of school was okay. We all had to talk to each other and say our names and I was really shy, I didn't want to talk to anyone because I was afraid they were going to be mean to me. Ms. Elizabeth kept smiling at me and encouraged me to say a few things, but then I clammed up and kept quiet for the rest of the first part of class. 

After a few hours we were finally allowed to go outside for recess. I had been waiting for this all day because I knew I would be able to play with Alice, Anna, Abraham, and Adam. The second we were allowed outside I ran over to an unoccupied corner and started talking to my best friends. 


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