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I was late as usual. I was sitting at my desk table finishing off my makeup, I wanted it to be perfect before Alfie arrived and we walked to school. I looked in the mirror and sighed. My dark hair and pale face was so different to all the fake tanned girls at my school. Alfie could never like a girl like me. 

The pink hair bow tied to the corner of my mirror is a reminder of how I felt the day that Alfie gave it to me. I couldn't help but smile at it. My smile spread throughout my entire face when I heard the door open and Alfie run up the stairs to greet me. 

He rushed into my room just as I hid the pink hair bow from sight. I had never let on to the fact that I had any feelings for Alfie because I was afraid it would ruin the solid friendship that we had grown in the past ten years. He said something about us being late and I told him not to worry as I grabbed my stuff and followed him outside. 

"It's so cold," Alfie said with a smile in my direction. I smiled back but quickly turned my eyes away. I couldn't bare to look at him for too long because it made my heart beat so quickly and my chest swell. 

"Ya," I said slowly letting a puff of breath escape my almost blue lips. It was the day before winter break. The day that ten years ago Alfie had given me that bow I coveted so much. I thought about mentioning it, but I was afraid Alfie might find it odd that I remembered that small present. He had gotten me a present every Christmas after that, and I him, why would I remember such a small insignificant one? I thought it best to live that small memory quiet and secret in my head. 

When we got to school Alfie and I parted ways as we always did. The only thing that wasn't so lucky about having Alfie as a friend was that he was a year older than me so we never had classes together. I only ever got to see him before school, after school, during lunch, and sometimes in the hallways, but even that was rare. 

The nice thing was that since Alfie moved closer to my house I could just walk over there and we could hang out, or he could come to my place. There were drawbacks to our friendship, but there were definitely benefits. 

He went down his hallway and I went down my hallway with nothing more than a wave. I craved his touch though and wished we could hug or something, but we hadn't even held hands since that one day ten years ago; it was killing me. 


During school was often when I let my mind forget about Alfie and how much I longed for him. I knew I couldn't have him and school was a delightful distraction, something to take my mind off things. 

Even though I didn't find myself particularly attractive, many of the boys in my year were always mooning over me. I had even dated a few of them when I was younger and more naive. When I didn't realise that dating when you're 12 is really nothing and when I didn't realise my true feelings for Alfie. 

Sometimes it was nice to date other boys though, it was much a similar distraction as school was; it allowed me to let go for a few weeks or even months. When the evetual break-up came so did the crushing realisation that my feelings for Alfie had not disappeared, but had merely been pushed aside and had suddenly returned to the surface. 

I felt as if I had always been meant to care about Alfie, as if our paths were meant to cross. I guess it seemed not as lovers hrough and a platonic relationship was the only thing that was ever to be of us. I still hoped though, he was my wish on everything. 

Every birthday candle, every dandelion. Every 11:11 on the clock, shooting stars, coin in a fountain, lightning bug. I always wished for him. As my mother always told me though, there are wishes that just can't be. I guess Alfie was one of those wishes. 


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